
ToC for EES 4 Published January 2021

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Ecology, Economy and Society--the INSEE JournalEcology, Economy, and Society
–the INSEE Journal
Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2021



Nature and Socio-Economic Systems: A Narrative of Conflict and Adaptation; Kanchan Chopra, page 1


Mathematical Ecology, Evolution and the Social Sciences; Simon Levin, page 5

Imagining Sustainability Beyond COVID-19 in India; Bejoy K. Thomas, Soumyajit Bhar and Shoibal Chakravarty, page 13

Organic Farming in India: Catalysts That Can Help in Transition; M. Manjula and P. Indira Devi, page 21


Mobility Restrictions and the Control of COVID-19; Charles Perrings and Baltazar Espinoza, page 31

Lonergan’s Contribution to Ecological Economics; Terrance Quinn, page 45


Celebrating Jodha: and Revisiting the commons; Harini Nagendra, Pranab Mukhopadhyay and Rucha Ghate, page 59

The Economics of Common Pool Resources: A Review; Bhim Adhikari, page 71

Understanding how Local Level Environment Stewardship Initiatives Increase Livelihood; Resilience to Climate Change; Insights from Rajasthan, India
Tenzin Chorran, Shreya Karmakar, Bhavana Rao Kuchimanchi, Himani Sharma, Debarupa Ghosh, and Pratiti Priyadarshini, page 89

Gender and the Commons: Water Management in Trans-Himalayan Spiti Valley, India; Ranjini Murali, Ajay Bijoor, Charudutt Mishra, page 113


So Near yet so Far: A Narrative of a Forest Dwelling Gaddi community in Chamba, Himachal Pradesh; Kritishnu Sanyal, Anupreet Kaur, and Shyamasree Dasgupta, page 123

The Impact of Exposure to Air Pollutants among Traffic Police in Bihar: An Excerpt from the Field; Barun Kumar Thakur, Tamali Chakraborty, and Ashok Kumar Ghosh, page 129


The Cultural Economy of Land: Rural Bengal 1860-1940 by Suhita Sinha Roy
Culture and Land in the Making of Rural Bengal; Deepak Kumar, page 135

Living with Oil and Coal: Resource Politics and Militarization in Northeast India (Culture, Place, and Nature) by Dolly Kikon; A Wealth of Information in a Novel Narrative; Sarandha Jain, page 139

Nature Conservation in the New Economy edited by Ghazala Shahabuddin and K. Sivaramakrishnan; Conservation Dilemmas in Contemporary India; Ayesha Pattnaik, page 145


A Report of the Third Biennial POLLEN (Political Ecology Network) Conference, 2020; Brototi Roy, page 149

A Report on National Workshop “Strengthening national capacity to meet enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement in Bangladesh”; Md. Arfanuzzaman and Md. Shaheduzzaman, page 153

A Report on the 14th Annual Meeting of the Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative; Tanay Raj Bhatt, Vidisha Chowdhury, and E. Somanathan, page 157


Page 161

INSEE wishes to acknowledge the support received from Foundation for Ecological Security for this issue.