
Tiziano Distefano

Affiliation: University of Florence, Department of Economics

I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at the University of Florence (Italy), and I am also collaborating with scholars from Colombia, Chile, Brazil, and the USA to study the relations between extreme poverty and local ecological exploitation. I joined the ecological economics (EE) community during my Ph.D., about ten years ago. Since then, I tried to contribute to academic, organizational, and dissemination activities. 

I organized the first workshop in “Behavioural Ecological Economics” at the University of Florence (2023) and I was the Vice-chair of the last XIV ESEE Conference held in Pisa in 2022 ( and of the related summer schools together with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Virginia-Tech.

I am also the Guest Editor of the Special Issues in Ecological Economics “Behavioural Ecological Economics”. I am the Principal Investigator of the PRIN PNRR project “MUlti-scale modelization toward Socio-ecological Transition for Water management” (MUST4Water), and I was the Principal Investigator of the “Ecological Macroeconomics for an Equitable Resilient and Inclusive Transition in the U.S.” (EMERITUS), MIT-UNIPI Project – IX call.

I developed, with the University of Padua, the podcast “Back to the Future: talks on Ecological Economics” ( that collects interviews and comics to disseminate EE’s ideas toward a broad public. 

Then, I’d be really keen on being part of the ISEE Board with the hope that EE can become a milestone both in public opinion and at the political level. Of course, it would be a great opportunity to discuss with and learn from other people how to contribute to the ISEE’s activities and reinforce the international relevance of EE.



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