
The Steady State Economy Conference

The Steady State Economy Conference

We hope you will join us for the first UK national conference to explore and develop the idea of a steady state economy, and the policies to achieve this.

Endless economic growth remains the primary policy goal of national governments in most countries, including the UK.  However, there is a fundamental conflict between economic growth and environmental protection.  In addition, whilst economic growth has meant that real UK incomes have more than tripled since 1950, well-being has not increased.  It is time to consider another approach, especially in high-income countries like the UK.

This conference, to be held at Leeds Metropolitan University on Saturday 19th June from 10 AM to 6 PM, will explore the steady state economy as an alternative to economic growth.  It offers a rare opportunity to hear a range of key progressive thinkers and participate in detailed workshop discussions to identify innovative policies for improving the economy.

Keynote presentations include:

  • Peter Victor on “Managing Without Growth – Slower by Design not Disaster”
  • Andrew Simms on “The Great Transition”
  • Dan O’Neill on “What is a Steady State Economy and How Do We Achieve It?”
  • Tim Jackson on “Prosperity Without Growth – Economics for a Finite Planet”

In addition, critical issues will be addressed in ten workshops.  Workshop speakers include Kate Pickett (co-author of The Spirit Level), Molly Scott Cato (Economics Speaker for the Green Party), Roger Martin (Chair of the Optimum Population Trust), and Stephan Lutter (Researcher at the Sustainable Europe Research Institute), among others.

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