
Sustainable Innovation 2012 – Call for Papers Deadline


Sustainable Innovation 2012
Resource Efficiency, Innovation and Lifestyles
Part of the ‘Towards Sustainable Product Design’ series of conferences
17th International Conference
29th-30th October 2012
Alanus University

Organised by:
The Centre for Sustainable Design

Conference website:
Sustainable Innovation 2012

Strategic partner:
UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating
Centre on Sustainable Consumption
and Production (CSCP), Germany

Free downloads:
Sustainable Innovators: Ten Key Lessons (Video)
Sustainable Innovation 2011: Presentations
Sustainable Innovation 2011: Video Interviews (Video)
Sustainable Innovation 2011: Key Lessons
Sustainable Innovation 2011: Fifteen Lessons (Video)

Venue Partner:
Alanus University

Wuppertal Instititute
Borderstep Institute
Eco-innovation Observatory


Rio +20 in June 2012 will focus on the ‘green economy’ with resource consumption, innovation and behavioural change being central to discussions. Resource productivity and efficiency in production and consumption are moving up the global agenda as increasing raw material costs and emerging concern associated with security of supply of critical metals essential for the production of eco-innovative technologies has increased. Discussions in Europe have shifted towards the practicalities of transitioning to low carbon and resource efficient economies and societies. Materials and water alongside energy and food are now being positioned at the heart of the resource productivity debate. The need to radically change consumption patterns has gained increased visibility and enabling higher levels of demand and supply side innovation will be the linchpin in moving forward. The ‘Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe’ published by the European Commission in September 2011 consistently highlighted the need for accelerated innovation in materials, products, services and technologies as key to enabling smart, sustainable growth. Developing an improved framework to accelerate the flow of good ideas for products, services and technologies through R&D to the market is essential to enable resource efficient, low carbon innovation. New business models will be required that catalyse innovation across and beyond the life cycle. Developing systems to ensure ‘closed (materials) loops’ are receiving increasing attention and various approaches are being developed e.g. ‘cradle to cradle’, Product Service Systems (PSS), re-use and sharing models. ‘Designing out’ waste and designing for ‘closed loops’ will be of growing importance as waste gets more expensive and resources get scarcer. Therefore developing products, services and technologies to enable recycling, remanufacturing, reconditioning, product extension and dematerialisation will become an essential element of innovation.


Sustainable Innovation 12 will provide a platform to discuss the opportunities and challenges related to resource productivity, innovation and lifestyles related to products, services, technologies, infrastructures and business models. Sustainable Innovation 12 will include invited and refereed papers from academics, consultants, entrepreneurs, investors, technology providers, designers, innovation, sustainability managers as well as other business functions. The event will create a unique space for learning, networking and thinking. Delegates will come globally from large companies, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as academia, government and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The conference is supported by an international Advisory Board.

Conference topics

Sustainable Innovation 12 welcomes conceptual and research-based papers focused on sustainable innovation related to resource productivity and lifestyles. Papers should cover sustainability, product, service and technology design, development and commercialisation issues related to the following topics:

Radical change

Open innovation

Disruptive innovation

Product Service Systems (PSS)

Market transformation


Consumption & production

Supply chain management

Green growth & economy

Innovation processes

Product policy

Organisational dimensions

Business models

Tools & methodologies

Collaborative consumption

User centred design

Collaborations & partnerships

Case studies


Sustainable Innovation 12 will provide a range of benefits to speakers and delegates:


Forum for new thinking, ideas and concepts


Presentations from key international researchers, practitioners and policy-makers


New research, results and thinking


Opportunities to meet business, government and academia


Over 2000 delegates from over 50 countries have attended previous events

Submission details

Conference papers: please email, fax or post 500 words describing your proposed paper by 30th April 2012 . The paper will then be sent to the Advisory Board for evaluation and authors will be given feedback by 30th June 2012 . The highest rated papers will be invited to present at the conference. Please only submit abstracts if you have budgets to attend the conference.  Email your abstract to Ros via


For more information on Sustainable Innovation 12 please contact:
Martin Charter
The Centre for Sustainable Design
University for the Creative Arts
Falkner Rd
Tel: + 44 (0) 1252 892772
Fax: + 44 (0) 1252 892747

Organised by:

Strategic partner:

Venue Partner:




The Centre for Sustainable Design is an initiatiative of Unversity for the Creative Arts

The Centre for Sustainable Design and device
is registered as a trade mark in the European Union


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