Submissions for proposals.
- Please apply online from January 15th until April 15th, 2018.
- Registration and submission of abstracts (in PDF); no more than 250 words including:
- Full name(s), paper title, general theme, objective(s), methods and results.
- Abstracts can be submitted in English or in Spanish.
- You will receive a response no later than May 11, 2018.
Some abstracts will be selected by the academic committee for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings; These manuscripts must be submitted by July 15th, 2018.
- Word format (.doc, .docx), without paging, font 12 arial, line spacing 1.5 without extra lines between paragraphs.
- Can include embedded images in JPG and tables.
- The papers should not exceed 10,000 words.
- Titles and subtitles should be highlighted in bold.
- The citation style is Harvard (author or authors, year: page number).
- The footnotes should only be used for comments to expand or clarify the text.
- Bibliography: Harvard style.
Thematic Sessions.
- The session must be registered to one of the twelve thematic lines
- The session must be registered by the moderator
- Each session should have four to seven participants
- The moderator will register each speaker with their complete data on the registration form
Poster Presentation.
- To participate through the presentation of a poster, it is also necessary to fill out the registration form
- The size of the poster is 60 x 120 cm
- It should include a heading with the name and affiliation of the author(s), introduction, methodology, results, conclusions and references