
Round-up of Activities of some Regional Societies of ISEE

ISEE Regional Society Round UpANZSEE Australia/New Zealand

ANZSEE 2017 Conference on Jan 9-13 in Adelaide (UniSA, City East Campus): The 99% Solution: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. More details here:

Key Dates

  • 12th Sep: First call for abstracts
  • 20th Oct: Second call for abstracts
  • 21st Nov: Abstract submission closing date
  • 28th Nov: Abstract acceptance confirmation
  • 23rd Dec: Draft papers due

SMEE Meso America

We are right now basically dedicated to four things:

  1. We have an ongoing election for our new board which is posted online. We will be receiving votes until the 9th. of this month. Requirement to vote is to be a registered member of SMEE/ISEE. We have 12 nominees for our board from all across the region.
  2. We have the III biannual meeting of our society: Nov. 14-18:
  3. We are defining the dates for the next Iberoamerican Conference on Development and the Environment (CISDA) which needs to take place in University of Panama next year;
  4. We are helping with the organization of the next ISEE 2018 in Mexico city, which will also be the IV biannual meeting of our society.

INSEE  India

NABARD Chair (Institute of Economic Growth) and Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) Organizes Research Methodology Workshop on

Climate Change and Agricultural Economics

Venue: Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi,
Dates: February 6-10, 2017

ESEE Europe

Here are the news and activities from ESEE:

  • Preparations for ESEE 2017 in full progress: special sessions selected; deadline for abstract submission 25 Nov. 2016
  • We will soon announce our 2017 call for applications to co-finance ESEE Ecological Economics Training Institutes, deadline 15 December 2016
  • We are active in supporting potential conference organisers for ESEE 2019; deadline for applications 15 December 2016
  • Ongoing activity: ESEE membership survey in preparation, planned to be held early 2017 -> thanks a lot to INSEE for sharing with us their experience!


 CANSEE is engaged in three main activities:

  1. Planning for 2017 CANSEE conference in Montreal. This conference will be co-organized with the Economics for the Anthropocene program (offered through York University, McGill University and the University of Vermont). The date of the conference is yet to be finalized but it will be sometime in the fall of 2017.
  2. Collaborating with the Alternatives Journal toward the development, production and publication of a dedicated special issue exploring the theme of Ecological Economics.
  3. Rebuilding and updating the CANSEE website

ECOECO  Brazil

  1. As an outcome of the Washington ISEE’s Latin American Roundtable, the “‘New’ Washington Consensus” agreed to by the Presidents of the four Latin American Ecological Economics Societies is in final Spanish edit for publication as a note in the Revista Iberoamericana de Economia Ecológica (REVIBEC), thanks to major contributions of the Argentinan-Uruguayan Ecological Economics Association. It will also soon be available in English for publishing on the ISEE site to be considered as a basis for consideration as a statement by the broader Society.
  2. Clóvis Cavalcanti and Joseph Weiss presented at a special joint panel of the Brazilian Ecoeco and the Brazilian Society of Rural Economics, Sociology and Administration (SOBER) in Maceió, Brazil in September, including a 50-year historical review of agricultural policies in the context of Ecoeco.
  3. ECOECO’s 12th Biennial Conference, entitled: “Ecological economics and environmental institutional capabilities in times of crisis” will be held from 19 to 22 September 2017, hosted by the Federal University of Uberlândia, Santa Mônica Campus, Uberlândia-Minas Gerais. Possible keyniotes include: Ricardo Abramovay (confirmed), Josh Farley (interested) and Rudolf de Groot (interested).
  4. Clóvis Cavalcanti, Stuart Scott and, in solidarity, Peter May have been involved since the Conference in Washington, in efforts to mobilize global support for and hold meetings with like-minded scholars, clergy and His Holiness Pope Frances at a public audience at the Vatican, confirmed for November 2016. ECOECO has pledged to support up to 50% of Clovis Cavalcanti’s travel expenses to Rome, and requests that ISEE match this pledge. Unanimous support was received from virtually the entire 22 members of the ECOECO directorate to endorse this effort and provide financial support toward it, recognizing, however that this mission and the parallel effort to secure the Nobel Peace Prize for “Sustainable Development” leaders (Herman Daly, Pope Francis and the Club of Rome) constitute missions of importance to ISEE as a whole and merit global endorsement.
  5. Peter May and Walter Pengue, both leading members of the Ecological Economics community, are members of the Project Steering Committee of the TEEB AgriFood initiative.  The project has issued calls for evidence and collaborating authors of its report in progress on the Economic and Scientific Foundations of Agricultural Systems, and invite those involved in these issues to submit their papers and/or CVs, respectively, at the above site.


The USSEE is preparing for its 2017 conference, Ecological Economics: From Theory to Practice, to be held June 25-28 at Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota.   More details and call for papers coming soon.  We are also updating and improving our website with more information on educational materials and expanded blog.