2025 Bina Agarwal Prize

The Bina Agarwal Prize for Young Scholars in Ecological Economics is an international Prize that will be conferred biennially in recognition of outstanding research contributions in the field of Ecological Economics by scholars aged 45 or under (men) and 48 or under (women).
The Prize is established by ISEE to honor pioneering intellectual contributions in the field of Ecological Economics, which is of critical importance today in global efforts to enhance human well-being and environmental sustainability, with social justice. The Prize will honor young scholars who have contributed significantly to this interdisciplinary field, primarily focusing on developing and least-developed countries.
The intention of this academic Prize is to advance the field of ecological economics by recognizing a young scholar who is working on innovative research at the cutting edge of this discipline. A substantial part (but not necessarily all) of the researcher’s work should pertain to developing countries, or (if theoretical) be applicable to developing countries. However, the Prize recipient can belong to any nationality or gender and be based anywhere in the world. The originality of the work rather than the volume of publications is important. The prize jury will thus assess how the researcher’s work has extended the discipline of ecological economics in a new direction.
Re-nomination of 2023 Prize Candidates is allowed.
The Prize benefits will carry an honorarium of USD 1000 (One thousand US dollars) and a Citation, with additional supplementary funds of up to USD 1500, if needed, for the prize recipient’s travel and accommodation to receive the prize. ISEE may invite the prize recipient to make a keynote presentation at the award event at the next ISEE Biennal Conference.
2023 Bina Agarwal Prize Awarded
Professor Federico Demaria
The 2023 Bina Agarwal Prize for Young Scholars in Ecological Economics has been awarded to Professor Federico Demaria, UB School of Economics, in recognition of the substantial and original contributions he has made in mapping environmental justice and conflicts, studying the ecological economics of waste management in the Global South, and Post-development: ecological and cultural critique of development and ecological macroeconomics for degrowth.

2023 Honorable Mentions
Dr. Itishree Pattnaik, Assistant Professor at Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. in recognition of the substantial and original contributions she has made, particularly in the fields of Agriculture and Sustainable Development, Women labour in the farming and rural sector, Gender Studies, Migration, and Development.
Dr. Radhika Khosla, Associate Professor, Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, School of Geography and the Environment, and Research Director of the Oxford India Centre for Sustainable Development, Somerville College, University of Oxford., UK, in recognition of the substantial and original contributions she has made, particularly in the fields of Energy Services Consumption and Climate Change Economics.
2023 Prize Jury Recognition
The ISEE President, Prize Committee, and Board sincerely thank the Prize Jury for their thoughtful and conscientious work making the Award for the first time.
Professor Laura M. Rival, Anthropology of Nature, Society, and Development, Innovation Fellow for the Social Science Division ODID and SAME, Fellow of Linacre College, University of Oxford, UK
Professor Ileana Espejel, Jubilada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC), Mexico
Professor María Alejandra Vélez, Directora Centro Estudios sobre Seguridad y Drogas (CESED), Colombia
Dr. Xi Ji, Associate Professor, School of Economics at Peking University, China; Senior Research Fellow, Center for Human and Economic Development Studies at Peking University; Editor, Ecological Economics