
For Journal Subscribers

Journal Subscribers Info and Assistance

The journal Ecological Economics is available when you sign up for membership to the ISEE (Join). You can receive the electronic version (USD 46 per year) via Science Direct or the electronic and printed version (USD 111 per year). We regret it is impossible to deduct from the $111 if you choose not to access the journal electronically).

Paper Journal

If you have chosen to receive the paper version of the Journal as a supplement to the electronic version, depending on your location, it may take 4-6 weeks for your first issue to arrive. You will receive your subscription until you choose to cancel it. Please keep your mailing address current so there’s no delay in receiving your Journal.

To update your address:

  1. log in to your member area;
  2. go under the Your Journal Subscription section;
  3. click the Change of Address link under the Your Journal Subscription Area.

Electronic Journal and Member ID

To activate and create your personal Science Direct Online Journal account, you will need your ISEE Membership ID (subscriber ID). Log in to the Member Area, then click on the Instructions for Accessing Your Subscription under the Your Journal Subscription section.

After registration, you can directly log in with your new username and password at the Science Direct ISEE Login Page to access the electronic journals. Use the login at the top right of that page.

Please note that older browsers may not support SSL encryption, which is required for secure data transmission. Cookies must be enabled in your browser to complete the registration process.

Should you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the closest Science Direct Customer Support department as follows:

Customers in North, Central, and South America should contact:
Telephone: 1-888-615-4500
(+1 212-462-1978 if calling from outside the USA and Canada)
Fax: +1 212-633-3680

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Telephone: +31 20 485 3767
Fax: +31 20 485 3432

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Telephone: +65 434 3727
Fax: +65 337 2230

Customers in Japan should contact:
Telephone: +81 3-5561-5034
Fax: +81 3-5561-5047

If the above is not helpful, please contact the ISEE Secretariat regarding any membership issues.