
President/CEO, New Economics Institute

Position description | President/CEO, New Economics Institute

July 2010

1. Outline

The Board of Directors of the New Economics Institute is seeking an exceptional and inspirational individual to assume the job of President/CEO of what will be a leading U.S. think tank dedicated to shifting the economic consensus toward a system that puts people and planet first.

The Institute was formed in order to bring new economic approaches into the U.S. mainstream. It is not a new organization but the broadening of an existing one. In June the 30-year old E. F. Schumacher Society transitioned into the New Economics Institute, with an expanded board ready to meet the challenge and opportunity of its new mission and with the added support, expertise, techniques, and experience of the New Economics Foundation in London, which will provide model programs new to the United States.

The New Economics Institute is designed to provide a combination of cutting-edge economics and innovative communications that can build a new economy appropriate for its essential purpose of providing fulfilling and healthy lives for all people while nurturing the social and natural systems on which the economic system depends.

The central role of a new President/CEO is to lead the organization in forging a narrative and theory of this new economic system; show how it is possible to get from here to there; and raise the funding necessary to do so.

It is anticipated that a new office for the Institute will be established in New York City. The existing Library, publication, and educational programs will continue at their Berkshires site with current staff. The President/CEO will be expected to develop the New York City office and will also be expected to spend some time in London working alongside our partner organization, the New Economics Foundation, to gain a good working understanding of its projects, goals and personnel.

2. Background:

Despite the uniquely twenty-first century problems we face, mainstream policy-makers, businesses, and even reformers are still prisoners of old economic assumptions. This tragic impediment is prolonging the damage caused by outdated economic policies and delaying the emergence of the new economics the world so desperately needs.

We need a way to bring new-economy organizations, intellectuals, and innovators together to frame a common story, to tell it in multiple voices, and to work together to fill in the gaps. We need to develop the vision and tools and take the essential steps to make the transition to a fair and sustainable future. 

3. Position-Specific Challenges:

The President/CEO reports directly to the Board of Directors.

As the most senior staff position within what is a newly reshaped organization, the President/CEO will be responsible for the strategic leadership of the organization, making sure it is relevant, effective, credible, and viable. Key challenges are to:

  • build the new Institute as a leading and authoritative voice in the debate about economics and the future;
  • build a small but effective staff team, integrating it with an outstanding board, loyal and involved funders, and an engaged wider membership;
  • provide inspirational leadership in dealing with different media and addressing multiple audiences in the national debate;
  • build relationships with funders to raise enough money to develop the organization, as set out in the Board-approved business plan;
  • promote and execute projects capable of raising funds and shifting debate as well as set up consultancy projects to put the findings into practice more widely;
  • maintain and build in the Berkshires the projects and library that are the 30-year legacy of the former E. F. Schumacher Society, now the New Economics Institute in co-operation with an Education Director;
  • build a long-term partnership with the New Economics Foundation that is capable of using the expertise of both organizations to make the maximum impact.

4. Recommendation

If you know of anyone who might be interested in or should be approached about this position, please contact a member of the Search Committee or encourage that person to apply by sending a statement of interest in the position, strengths offered, and a resume before August 15th to:

Questions and preliminary statements of interest are welcomed. New Economics Institute is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds.


Search Committee of the New Economics Institute
Will Raap,
Gus Speth,
John Fullerton,
Jessica Brackman,
Richard Norgaard,

2 Responses