
PhD position available at the University of Iceland

PhD position available at the University of Iceland Assessment of the environmental cost of geothermal utilization.

A PhD position is available at The School of Engineering and Natural Sciences as well as the School of Social Sciences at the University of Iceland


The aim of the project is to develop and test a methodology that can be used to evaluate economically the environmental cost of geothermal utilization.

The project is funded by the Icelandic Research Council, through the GEORG research cluster, and is a collaborative project between the University of Iceland, EFLA and Reykjavik Energy.


Applicants should have a masters degree in e.g.: economics, environmental sciences, earth sciences, or engineering. Work or research experience related to environmental economics or assessment of the environmental cost of development projects such as power plants, is considered a plus. In addition to education, applications will be evaluated based on research interests, prior experience and knowledge related to geothermal energy and references.

The duration of the position is for three years, beginning as soon as possible.

How to apply:

For more information please contact Dr. Brynhildur Davidsdottir ( at the University of Iceland. All applications should be sent to the Division of Human Resources, University of Iceland, Main Building at Sudurgata, 101 Reykjavík or to, before April 31 2012. All applications will be answered and applicants will be informed about the appointment when a decision has been made.