
Nobel Peace Prize proposal to benefit Ecological Economics

One of our members is again circulating this proposal for a shared Peace Prize ‘themed’ for Sustainable Development, in which our own Herman Daly is named as a co-recipient.  The proposal obtained about 50 qualified nominations last year and an additional 120 or so public endorsements.  Those of you who have not yet seen the proposal can find it at  The list of qualified nominators reveals that many of our members can nominate for the Peace Prize, and all other members can endorse the proposal.  Deadline for both nominations and endorsements for the 2017 Peace Prize is January 31.  So please take a look at the website and proposal, which arose in collaboration with several past-presidents of the ISEE.  If you find it agreeable, please support and circulate it to colleagues and friends.

Finally, anyone who is able to contact a Nobel Laureate in any field, but especially Peace Prize Laureates, is asked to contact Stuart Scott at the email address below.

Further questions may also be directed to