
New SDSN Draft Report for Public Consultation

[ECO-ECO Brasil – Diretoria] Enc: New SDSN Draft Report for Public Consultation: Indicators for Sustainable Development Goals

We are very pleased to share with you a new draft SDSN report for public consultation. Indicators for Sustainable Development Goals presents a framework of 100 indicators for post-2015, based on the 10 goals and 30 targets presented in the Action Agenda for Sustainable Development. This report is at an early stage. We seek your help with comments and creativity to improve and complete the proposed indicator framework.

The public consultation will run from 14 February to 14 March 2014. Full details are available here. Please use the comment form and send it by email to Please focus your comments on the proposed indicators, as the goals and targets have already undergone an extensive public consultation. We propose to keep the total number of core indicators to no more than 100, so any addition of new indicators will need to be matched by cuts elsewhere.

We encourage readers to also discuss the report on Twitter, referencing #indicators2015, although the Twitter feed is not a substitute for sending in written comments using the comment form. Let us also take this opportunity to announce a redesign of our website. We hope you will find it more informative and user friendly.

After the end of the public consultation we will make all submissions publicly available on our website, unless submissions are marked as confidential. As with the Action Agenda, we will publish a brief synthesis of the comments received.