
NEW DATES FOR ISEE2012 – JUNE 16-19, 2012

Consistent with our strategy to interface and promote dialog with the Rio+20 Earth Summit, ISEE2012 will be held in Rio de Janeiro from June 16 through 19, 2012, just before the Summit begins.

We have received nearly 1050 abstracts from 850 lead authors in 71 countries throughout the world, including a number of exciting panel and poster proposals. Peer review is in progress and will be completed by mid-December.


5 Responses

  1. Is it possible to attend this Conference without as a participant without sending abstract due to the deadline?

    I participated West Africa Regional Meeting on Sustainable Development, the Road to Rio +20 in Accra, Ghana. (we talk about Green Economic).

    1. Dear Jonathan, You are warmly welcome to join the conference as an attendee,without submitting a paper. We expect over 1,000 attendees. You can get a discount by joining the ISEE – Visit the International Society for Ecological Economics where you can join the ISEE and your regional society, subscribe to Ecological Economics at special discount provided to ISEE members by Elsevier, and contribute your views to our Blog, Facebook and Twitter.

  2. Is possible to send an abstract for the conference? When was the deadline?

    Thank you
