

The International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) offers its members a number of benefits, including:

  • An opportunity to network with people around the world who share an interest in discovering just how human societies are transforming and being transformed by their environment.
  • Membership in Regional Society where available
  • Biennial conferences open to all members at discounted rates.
  • Membership fees progressively scaled according to the income category.
  • A website that offers information of value to the membership as a network of researchers and leaders in the field.
  • A searchable database of members.
  • Weekly newsletter.
  • Information on job openings in the field.
  • Information on research funding opportunities.
  • Dissemination of ecological economic tools, and discounts on books and journals.
  • By special arrangement with the publishers Elsevier, reduced cost online or print subscription to the the ISEE’s journal Ecological Economics


Membership dues are based on your annual salary calculated in US dollars and are purchased on an auto-renew basis. If you cannot enroll as a member for any reason, contact, and if possible, we will enroll you as a non-paying member. 

From your member area (accessed via the login page, after you have joined) you can cancel at any time. When you cancel, your membership and subscription will continue until the end of your current membership cycle (a full year from the time you signed up for your membership) and then go inactive. Log in at any time to reactivate your membership. Also, you may cancel your subscription at any time while leaving your membership active. All of this is accessible via the member area.

ISEE (International Society for Ecological Economics) Membership Dues, including membership in your regional Society:

  • $19 for income less than $15,000
  • $45 for income between $15,000 and $30,000
  • $90 for income between $30,000 and $60,000
  • $142 for income between $60,000 and $90,000
  • $170 for income $90,000 and over

The International Society for Ecological Economics promotes understanding between ecologists and economists and integration of their disciplines through a journal, Ecological Economics, other publications, a biennial international conference, occasional smaller workshops, and support of the activities of regional societies of ecological economics.

The  Secretariat of the ISEE is located in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.