
Post Graduate Opportunities

Ecological Macroeconomics Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Ecological Macroeconomics at the University of Barcelona We seek an outstanding postdoctoral researcher in ecological economics to work on an exciting project entitled “Towards a Sustainable Well-being Economy: Integrated Policies and Transformative Indicators” (ToBe). This is a 2-year position, with an anticipated start date of November...

Post-doctoral Associate in Degrowth

The Department of Community Development and Applied Economics is seeking a Post-doctoral Associate in Degrowth to join the Ecological Economics node of the Leadership for the Ecozoic (L4E) initiative.The Ecozoic represents a vision for the future founded on mutually enhancing relationships between human societies and the global community of life...

Postdoctoral Fellow in Values, Identity, Behavior, and the Environment (Gund Institute)

Postdoctoral Fellow in Values, Identity, Behavior, and the Environment (Gund Institute) The Gund Institute for Environment at the University of Vermont (UVM) is recruiting an exceptional postdoctoral researcher for the project “Starting with behavior’ to understand links between pro-environmental behavior, values, and identity.” The Gund Institute for Environment is a research center dedicated to understanding...

Post-doc Positions in Italy

Two Post-Doc Positions in Italy University of Florence and Roma TRE Within the research project “MUlti-scale modelization toward Socio-ecological Transition for Water Management (MUST4Water),” supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (PRIN – PNRR)  Main contacts: Dr. Tiziano Distefano ( and Prof. Luca Salvatici (  Three Post-Doc Researcher Positions in...