
ISEE Election Results

Voting for the 2011 ISEE election of officers was open for three weeks and closed on December 21, with very close results.  Terms are two years.

President Elect:  Marina Fischer-Kowalski

President 2012-2013: Bina Agarwal

Past President 2010-2011: John Gowdy

Continuing Board Members:

  • Kathryn Davidson
  • Matthias Ruth
  • Roldan Muradian

Ex Officio:

  • Richard Howarth (Journal Editor-in-Chief)
  • Anne Aitken (Treasurer)
  • Peter May (Past President 2008-2009) – Local Organizing Chairman of ISEE 2012

New Board Members:

  • Binna Davidsdottir
  • Josh Farley
  • Sharachchandra Lele
  • Walter A. Pengue

We extend grateful thanks to all for being willing to serve on the Board, and we note that a very small number of votes divided the candidates.  We hope that Ademar Romeiro, Marco Janssen and Pushpam Kumar will be willing to run again at the next election.  Number of votes cast can be seen at .

We are indebted to Peter May for his invaluable  service to the ISEE, which he continues as organizing chairman of the ISEE 2012 Conference in Rio.  In view of his workload for the conference and his involvement in ECOECO (Brazil) he is relieved to take a break from the ISEE Board, but he will certainly continue to be involved.

Special thanks to John Gowdy for a valiant and very tough term as President. John now passes the Presidency of the ISEE to Bina Agarwal who has brought substantial energy and worked extremely hard in her two year term as President Elect. As President of the ISEE, she is also  President of the ISEE 2012 Conference in Rio.

The Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws were  approved by a very strong majority.