

Welcome to the biennial conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics hosted by the University of Iceland August 13-15, 2014. The theme is: Towards well-being and equity within planetary boundaries.

Core themes:

  1. Planetary boundaries and resource constraints. We will examine how resources and the environment constrain the scale of the world economy and how natural resources and the environment need to be managed to support enhanced wellbeing. Keynote speakers: Johan Rockström, Dan O’Neill
  2. Equity and economic development dynamics. We deal with international inequity and inequity within countries: How can economic development be redirected so as to address the interlinkage of inequity and environmental overuse and destruction?  Keynote speakers: Polly Higgins, Jorgen Randers
  3. A great transition ahead?  We examine the necessity for, probabilities of and blockages to a great transition to a more sustainable global economic order. Keynote speakers: Paul Raskin, Mark Swilling

Keynotes will also be given by the ISEE president, by the rector of the University of Iceland, and by the Boulding award recipient. Local musicians and authors will entertain conference participants, giving insights into the Icelandic art scene.

Iceland is somewhat of a showcase of the three conference themes: Over 80% of primary energy use is derived from domestic geothermal and hydropower resources, gender and social equity is relatively high and a plan is underway to transition towards a fossil free economy. However, a raging discussion is ongoing about where country is heading, in terms of a proposed new constitution, economic development and development of the remaining energy resources. The conference thus takes place at opportune time for the development of the country, and conference participants will be invited to actively engage decision-makers on these issues.

Register now at where you can also make hotel reservation. Don’t delay on flight reservation – book before the lower cost seats sell out!

Reserve for the Conference Dinner: The conference dinner (and dancing!) will take place at Harpan, the newly built national music hall by the harbor. The dinner is a buffet, with entertainment by local musicians. Thursday 14 August, 7.30pm, ISK 9.400

Currently ISK1.00 = USD 0.0089 or EURO 0.0064 or GBP 0.0058 of INR 0.544