
Human Ecologist Alpina Begossi, has Died of Cancer

According to her CV at the CNPq site in Brazil (translated for the present purpose), Alpina was considered, by the PLOS Biology ranking one of the 100,000 most influential scientists in the world and one of the 600 in Brazil. She concluded her doctorate in Ecology – At U. California-Davis in 1989. She carried out Post-Doctoral research [with a FAPESP scholarship] in Ethnobotany, in July 1995 with R. E. Schultes (Harvard, Ethnobotany/Herbaria and in Economic Botany) and the Post Doctorate in Ecological Economics [with a CNPq scholarship through INCT-PPED] under Peter May (CPDA, UFRRJ, and INCT-PPED), having been Executive Director of the Fisheries and Food Institute from 2006 to 2014 and President of the US Society for Human Ecology, in 2006-2007. She co-founded FIFO 2006 and CAPESCA at Unicamp, São Paulo in 2006.

She published 126 articles in specialized journals, 22 papers in event annals, 30 book chapters, and 10 books. She participated in 80 events, most of them overseas, having been a “Keynote Speaker” in an event in 2009, at MARE- Univ Amsterdam, in 2009, and at the University of Greenwich, London, in 2011. She supervised 50 students (master’s, doctoral, undergraduate research initiation, and others). She coordinated 25 research projects.

She worked in the area of Ecology, with an emphasis on Human Ecology, Fisheries, and the Ecology of Fishers. In her curriculum, the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological, and artistic-cultural production are Human Ecology, Fishing, Ecology, Diet, Ethnobotany, Diet, Ethnoichthyology, Food Taboos, Foraging, and Folk Medicine. She participated on the Editorial Board of Ambio and the Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, among others. The book Current Trends in Human Ecology (Lopes and Begossi, Eds, Cambridge Scholars Publishing) was awarded the 2011 “Gerald Young” Book Award,

Our condolences to her family. It is a great loss to Ecological Economics in Brazil and the World.