
Full Professor of Public Policy and Governance

Vienna University of Economics and Business: Full Professor of Public Policy and Governance ( 136090)

WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) is currently inviting applications for the position of a Full Professor of Public Policy and Governance.

WU is the largest business university in the European Union and is centrally located at the heart of Europe. The University maintains an excellent position as a centre for research and teaching and attracts an international group of students and faculty. It offers a broad range of subjects in all areas of economics and business administration. WU is one of only four EQUIS accredited universities in the German-speaking world and is striving to achieve a top position among the leading European business universities. For details, please see

The new professor will be based in the prospective Department of Socio-Economics. He or she is expected to cultivate an environment of excellence and interdisciplinary collaboration to augment the new Department’s research, teaching, and service activities.

The successful candidate will demonstrate

  1. a solid academic qualification (e.g. PhD, Habilitation);
  2. an outstanding publication record in the relevant areas as well as a demonstrated ability to publish in top tier journals of the field;
  3. experience in empirical research;
  4. a substantial record in attracting research funding and managing research projects;
  5. a demonstrated aptitude for engaging in interdisciplinary research,
  6. an interest in contributing to the policy debate, and
  7. a demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching.

We are looking for an outstanding applied policy scholar with a background in public policy. Applicants’ research should be focused on policy analysis, while also touching on governance in complex public policy and politics issues. The Department is seeking to create and advance research clusters. Therefore applications from candidates with the capacity to link with ongoing socio-economic research in the Department (regional development, ecological economics, population studies, social policy) are desirable.

We expect a strong interest in teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In particular, the applicant is expected to engage in our existing and new interdisciplinary Bachelor, Master and PhD Programs. Substantial teaching experience in English is required; teaching experience in German is not necessary. Non-German-speaking candidates will be expected to acquire proficiency in German over a certain period of time.

For further details about the position, please contact Professor Sigrid Stagl, phone: ++43-1-31336-5790, or email:

Candidates should send their applications (including all relevant documents, curriculum vitae, list of publications, list of classes held, etc.) to the Rector of WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Professor Christoph Badelt, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna. Electronic applications can be sent to Please quote the reference no. given above when submitting your application. Applications must be submitted by October 14th, 2009.

WU is an Equal Opportunity Employer and seeks to increase the number of its female faculty members. Therefore qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be given preference.