
ESEE 2013 Call for papers

ESEE 2013
Call for papers
Ecological Economics
and Institutional Dynamics
10th International conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics
Lille (France)
18-21 June 2013
Host Institutions:
Centre Lillois d’Etudes et Recherches Sociologiques et Economiques (CLERSE, UMR 8019, CNRS-Université Lille1)
Reims Economie Gestion Agro-Ressources et DurabilitéS (REGARDS, EA 6292, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne)
In co-organisation with Université Libre de Bruxelles
With the Partnership of RIODD (International Research Network on Organizations and Sustainable Development)
ESEE 2013 is organized by the European Society for Ecological Economics in collaboration with CLERSE (Université Lille1-CNRS, France) and REGARDS (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France). Proposals for paper and poster presentations (abstracts with 1200 words with a summary of 800 characters) on any of the following Conference themes, and for the organisation of special sessions in the form of focused discussions/thematic sessions, are welcomed. A limited number of special sessions (10 to 15% maximum of the parallel and special sessions) can be organized in French.
The main theme of the conference is Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics. Institutions are considered here in their broader sense, including social representations, norms, rules of the game, collective action processes and power dimensions, forms and types of exploitation, informal and formal organizations, referring at large to governance aspects and dealing with the large spectrum of topics developed in the field of Ecological Economics. Abstracts and papers articulating social and environmental questions would be particularly appreciated.
Of course, proposals dealing with questions outside of the general theme, but relevant with the agenda of ecological economics are welcomed.
Themes of the conference
– Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary theoretical approaches (Institutional approaches, Post-Keynesian Economics, Marxist and Post-marxist economics, Feminist Economics, Political Ecology, Development Studies, Social Psychology, Environmental Sociology, Systems theory, Resilience approach, etc.).
– Methodological and epistemological issues (Participatory approaches, Multi-criteria analysis, Experimental and behavioral approaches, Life-cycle analysis, Future studies, Modelling, Deliberative methods, Social metabolism, Multiple methods approach, Integrated assessment, Storytelling, Valuation methods, Post-normal science, etc.).
– Governance, policies and institutions (multi-level governance, Environmental justice, Agenda 21, legal instruments, regional and territorial planning, economic instruments, voluntary agreements, policymix, norms, participatory processes, Common pool resources, transboundary issues, etc.).
– Resources and environment (water, land, air, forests, pollution, biodiversity and ecosystem services, food and agriculture, energy, transport, etc.).
– Actors and behaviors (capabilities, well-being, quality of life, gender issues, consumption, sustainability and firms, Corporate Social Responsibility, industrial ecology, NGO’s, cities, territorial units,. etc.).
– Towards a Socio-Ecological Transition (Prosperity and well-being beyond the growth paradigm, De-growth, Alternative metrics, “dual-track governance” for transition, system innovation for socio-technical transition, from niche experiments to regime change, integral change, etc.).
– Institutionalization of Ecological Economics: a European Perspective (Origins and history of ESEE, Comparative studies with the development of Ecological Economics outside of Europe, Education and teaching, Implementation of Ecological Economics policies, etc.).
– Etc.
A special attention will be dedicated to posters during the conference. Guided tours will be organized so as to leave time for poster presenters to briefly present their works. A “best poster” prize will be delivered by the scientific committee and conference participants will be actively invited to read the posters.
Full Fee (€) Early Registration (€)
ESEE/ISEE and RIODD members 330 280
Non-members 390 330
Students 210 170
The fee covers:
– Access to all conference sessions, including poster display area
– Access to opening ceremony and reception
– Lunches and coffee breaks
– Conference dinner
– Support materials – program, access to papers and others materials
– Two years” subscription to the Journal Environmental Policy and Governance
Pre-conference workshop
(Reims, 17-18 June 2013)
PhD and Master students will be invited to participate to a pre-conference workshop organised at the Université Reims Champagne Ardenne, on June 17-18. A special transport will be organised to allow participants to the pre-conference workshop to reach Lille on time for the opening ceremony. More details will be available soon on the website of the conference.
Contact: Franck-Dominique Vivien :
Policy Event
(Brussels, 18 June 2013, 9AM-3PM)
In line with the focus on institutional dynamics of ESEE 2013, a pre-conference Policy Event will take place in Brussels focusing on the evolution of the modes, forms and depths of the institutionalisation of the (main) research questions of Ecological Economics to the EU-level policy making: Ecological Economics and the EU-level policy making: where do we stand in terms of interaction?
The Policy Event will strive towards a more inclusive comprehension of how ESEE’s core messages, paradigms and methodological stances find an echo in policy agendas at EU-level. In other words, how and to what degree Ecological Economics is institutionalized at the EU-level?
The policy event will be organized by the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB-IGEAT) in collaboration with EU-institutions (EU Parliament and/or DG ENV&DG RTD). It will alternate a series of keynote speeches by high-level ESEE-members and policy actors with a series of presentations of emblematic ESEE-related (past and on-going) research projects and studies.
Brussels is at a mere 30minutes’ trip by high-speed train from Lille, which allows participants to join the conference opening in time.
Contact: Tom Bauler :
Scientific committee (list in progress)
Franck Aggeri, Federico Aguilera-Klink, Jérôme Ballet, Meriem Bouamrane, François Bousquet, Beat Burgenmeier, Isabelle Daugareilh, Valérie Deldrève, Nina Eisenmenger, Olivier Favereau, Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Timothy J. Foxon, Corinne Gendron, Bernard Hubert, Marc Hufty, Janne Hukkinen, Giorgos Kallis, Jasper Kenter, Tatiana Kluvankova-Oravska, Klaus Kubeczko, Pushpam Kumar, Markku Lehtonen, François Mancebo, Joan Martinez-Alier, Philippe Méral, Marc Mormont, Roldan Muradian, Ines Omann, Begüm Özkaynak, Jouni Paavola, Unai Pascual, Felix Rauschmayer, Jean-Pierre Revéret, Irene Ring, Peter Söderbaum, Clive Spash, Sigrid Stagl, Arild Vatn, René Véron, Nuno Videira, Edwin Zaccai.
Organizing committee
Coordinators: Iratxe Calvo-Mendieta, Géraldine Froger, Muriel Maillefert, Martino Nieddu, Olivier Petit, Nicolas Postel, Franck-Dominique Vivien.
Members : Tom Bauler, Christophe Beaurain, Nathalie Berta, Corinne Blanquart, Bruno Boidin, Valérie Boisvert, Ornella Boutry, Leslie Carnoye, Didier Cazal, Charlotte Da Cunha, Romain Debref, Marie Delaplace, Abdelkader Djeflat, Ali Douai, Abdellilah Hamdouch, Alexandra Hyard, Benoît Lallau, Jérôme Longuépée, Hélène Melin, Eric Olszak, Gaël Plumecocq, Béatrice Quenault, Patrick Schembri, Richard Sobel, Bruno Villalba, Bertrand Zuindeau.
Keynote speakers and roundtable participants will include
Daniel W. Bromley, Michel Capron, Andrew Dobson, Florence Jany-Catrice, Inge Ropke, Elizabeth Shove, Clive Spash.
Relevant dates and deadlines
Proposals for special sessions: 1 October 2012
Notification of acceptance of special sessions: 31 October 2012
Submission of abstracts for papers and posters: 30 November 2012
Notification of acceptance of papers and posters: 15 February 2013
Early registration: 4 March 2013
Final paper due: 6 May 2013
Deadline for presenters registration: 6 May 2013
Pre-conference workshop (Reims): 17-18 June 2013
Policy event (Brussels): 18 June 2013
Conference (Lille): 18-21 June 2013

2 Responses

  1. Please Sir/Madam, am Isaac Yaw Barnes a graduate from University for Development Studies in Ghana with a BA in INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT STUDIES. I have developed a new concept ‘Geo-Quality Drift’ to explain the under performance of Ghanaian rural Student in relation to distance from ‘growth pole areas’ and will like to share my idea during the conference. But i can hardly afford the registration fee. Please sir/madam, isn’t there an opportunity for me? Please help me in the name of God to particitate.