
Ecological Economics for All Summer Crash Course 2022

Ecological Economics For All Summer Crash Course 2022

The Shift Needed in Economics to Enable a Just Transition to A Right-Sized Economy

Venue: Online
Dates: July 7, 8, 11 & 12
Time: 12-3 p.m. ET

We would like to invite the ISEE community to watch some of the presentations on our Ecological Economics For All summer crash course 2022 via our Youtube Livestream on our EE4All youtube channel.

You can find more information about the EE4ALL initiative, courses, and presenters on our website.

The Youtube Livestream links for each day are taking place from 12-3 p.m. Eastern Time (US and Canada) are below:

Day 1 (July 7th)  Why do we Need a Socio-ecological Paradigm Shift in Economics? with Jon Erickson & Bengi Akbulut (Rigo Melgar moderator):

Day 2 (July 8th) The Biophysical and Social Foundations of a New Economic Story with Lisi Krall & Joshua Farley (Rigo Melgar moderator):

Day 3 (July 11th) The Role of Systems Thinking and Heterodox Economics in a new Economics Story with Leslie Harroun & Inge Røpke (Rigo Melgar moderator):

Day 4 (July 12th) A New Way of Economic Teaching, Practice and Policy Making with Ashish Kothari & Kate Raworth (Rigo Melgar moderator): 

The EE4All team hopes to see many of you there.

This short course is intended for students, teachers, academics, practitioners, activists and any human being interested in transforming the economy to the sustainable, just and efficient path needed to address social and climate crises.

In this decade of action, our hope is to leverage systems thinking and biophysical and social realities to inform the social-ecological paradigm shift in economics. 

For more information contact Rigo Melgar,