
Earth System Governance Session

Behavioural responses to turbulent times:
How  social innovation to steer sustainable governance of nature and promote carbon neutrality

Needs innovative session at the 2020 Virtual Forum on Earth System Governance, September 16th, 2020.

The Covid-19 outbreak interconnects a global economic, climate, and health crisis and calls for immediate and adequate societal responses both strategic by nature and at a local level. New European Initiative – the Green Deal launched in December 2019 – brings in essential arguments to transform the present societal course of action towards a long-term sustainability strategy of promoting carbon neutral policies and putting the ecological economics concepts in real-life situations, and this remit requires substantial behavioural changes at both individual and societal levels.

Social innovation opens new prospects to address the behavioural change mechanisms through the lens of transdisciplinary research to induce the transition to long-term sustainability.

Session organised jointly by The H2020 project on Social Innovation in Marginalised rural areas, SIMRA, and International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE)  as discussion panel with panelists:

  • Prof. Tatiana Kluvankova, SLOVAKGLOBE   SAV-STU
  • Prof. Volker Mauerhofer, Mid Sweden University
  • Dr. Simo Sarki, The University of Oulu, Finland
  • Prof Andrea Borec, University of Maribor, Slovenia
  • Chair: Prof David Miller  (HUT) – SIMRA coordinator

Five speed talks complemented empirical evidence and lesson learned from cases around the EUROPE:

  • L Dr Carla Barlagne (UK, HUT)
  • Dr Ivana Zivojinovic (BOKU, AT)
  • Dr Stanislava Brnkalakova (SLOVAKGLOBE, SK)
  • Dr Martin Spacek (CETIP, Czech Rep)
  • Dr Mariana Melnykovych (WSL, CH)
  • Dr Nestor Vercher (UniV, ES).
