
Copyright claims by third parties

The ISEE highly values the sharing of resources; however, good governance of resources also implies compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The ISEE, therefore, respects all existing copyrights and has tried to establish proper copyright arrangements for all content on this website. In case you however consider any of the content of this website to be an infringement of any copyright, please contact the ISEE Secretariat as soon as possible via Please also provide the applicable information to support your claim. Proof of copyright ownership will result in immediate removal of the related content unless you will license the ISEE to continue displaying the content.

Copyright of this website

Copyright attributions of images displayed on this website can be found in the table underneath. The content of the ISEE-website itself is published under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 unless indicated otherwise, and except for the content of which the copyright belongs to any third party, and provided that the use of any of this website’s content for other publications will be for fair use only and will not conflict in any way with the interests of the ISEE and/or its members and/or its sponsors and supporters. As the copyright of some of the content displayed on or available via this website is owned by third parties and is used by permission or by licensing, we recommend you to always contact the ISEE Secretariat via in case you want to use any materials displayed on or available through this website, in order to avoid any copyright infringements. The ISEE cannot be held liable for any damages caused by any unauthorized use of copyrighted material by third parties, other than in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence.

Copyright infringements

In case of any copyright infringements, the ISEE is entitled to file claims in accordance with applicable law and jurisdiction.

Copyright attributions

ImageTitleCopyright Owner
Homepage slider and pages header images
IQUITOS, PERU - MARCH 17: Animals parts and jungle spices for sale in Belen Market in Iquitosjkraft5 /
Red parrots on clay lick eating minerals, Red and green Macaw in tropical forest, Brazil, Wildlife scene from tropical nature. Flock of birds on clay brown wall /
blankAerial view of a magical early morning sunrise in the Tapah rainforest in Malaysia smithore /
blankAerial (drone) view of Arctic Icebergs Annie Spratt on Unsplash
<img src="" width="300px"VARANASI, INDIA - APRIL 18: Crowd of local Indian live their morning life with Ganga river on April 18, 2010 in Varanasi, India. The most holy river of India and Hindu culture filmlandscape /
blankTree Masai Mara kyslynskyy /
blankBrain coral, close up image National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on
blankGulf of Mexico, United StatesPhoto by NASA on Unsplash