
Category: Publishing

Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe

Book publication on sustainability impact of CSR Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe: New book presents results of a three year research project on the sustainability impact of CSR The acid test of corporate social responsibility

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Globalization of Water

Authors: Arjen Hoekstra (University of Twente) and Ashok Chapagain (WWF-UK). Publisher: Blackwell Publishing. “Globalization of Water” is a first-of-its-kind review of the critical relationship between globalization and sustainable water management. It explores the impact of

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New Book on Ecological Economics

Michael Common and Sigrid Stagl have co-authored a new book on ecological economics entitled ‘Ecological Economics: An Introduction’. This book takes as its starting point the interdependence of the economy and the natural environment, building

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Book Offer

Edward Elgar has kindly agreed to provide ISEE members with a 50% discount on a number of publications. Click to see the full list or visit their web-site for further information.

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Books Series Available

The books from the Ninth Biennial Conference of ISEE, ‘Ecological Sustainability & Human Well-Being’, are available. This conference was held in Delhi, India from the 15th to the 19th December 2006. The books are available

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New Book by Mark Jablonowski

“Managing High-Stakes Risk: Toward a New Economics for Survival” Author; Mark Jablonowski Publisher; Palgrave Macmillan Mark Jablonowski, has over 30 years of experience as a professional risk manager, analyst and researcher. His focus now turns

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