
Category: Publishing

La Sociedad Mesoamericana de Economía Ecológica

La Sociedad Mesoamericana de Economía Ecológicapresenta su nuevo sitio web Entérese de noticias, eventos e información general sobre la Economía Ecológica.  También podrá encontrar toda la información sobre el Congreso EcoEco Alternativas (Costa Rica,

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Sustainability Economics

An Introduction By Peter Bartelmus Published May 24th 2012 by Routledge Series: Routledge Textbooks in Environmental and Agricultural Economics The book is a concise introduction to an emerging field within economics. Drawing on numerous disciplines,

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Good News for Ecological Economics!

The newly released Impact Factors show that Ecological Economics, the journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics, has again strengthened its position by an increased Impact Factor : 2.85  (UP from 2.713) If you’d

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Draft SDSN Report for Public Consultation

URGENT – DUE MAY 22! ISEE blog to discuss the Draft SDSN Report for Public Consultation ( The SDSN Leadership Council will submit a report entitled “An Action Agenda for Sustainable Development” to the UN

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Gender and Green Governance in Paperback

New in Paperback Gender and Green Governance The Political Economy of Women’s Presence Within and Beyond Community Forestry Bina Agarwal528 pages | 11 Boxes, 12 Figures, 94 Tables | 234x156mm978-0-19-968302-4 | Paperback | July 2013

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Enough is Enough

Today, I am happy to announce the work of two Center for Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE) staff members, Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill. They have published a new book, titled Enough is

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Landscape and Urban Planning on Urban Ecosystem Services

Special issue of Landscape and Urban Planning on Urban Ecosystem Services has just been published! Landscape and Urban Planning has just published a special issue on Urban Ecosystem Services (vol. 109, no. 1). The

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Ecological Economics from the Ground Up

Ecological Economics from the Ground Up takes a unique and much-needed bottom-up approach to teaching ecological economics and political ecology, using case studies that focus on a wide range of internationally relevant topics, to teach

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Special Feature in the Journal “Ecology and Society”

TARGETED JOURNAL: Ecology and Society TITLE OF THE SPECIAL FEATURE: Exploring social-ecological resilience through the lens of the social sciences: towards a critical reflection and constructive debate SPECIAL FEATURE PROPOSAL: ‘Social-ecological resilience’ was first coined

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Degrowth, Expensive Oil, and the New Economics of Energy

Degrowth, expensive oil, and the new economics of energy Samuel Alexander [University of Melbourne, Australia]Copyright: Samuel Alexander, 2012 See (PDF): Preparing for life after growth Building upon the ‘limits to growth’ perspective (Meadows et

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Economics for Environmental Studies

The new book by Alfred Endres and Volker Radke on Economics for Environmental Studies: A Strategic Guide to Micro- and Macroeconomics has been published by Springer in September, 2012. The book is meant both as

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