
Category: Publishing

Response to David Barkin posting by Roy Morrison

Original Morrison posting. Response by David Barkin. It is precisely the enormous second law advantages posed, for example, by a global efficient renewable energy transformation to replace high entropy and ecologically ruinous fossil fuels and

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New SDSN Draft Report for Public Consultation

[ECO-ECO Brasil – Diretoria] Enc: New SDSN Draft Report for Public Consultation: Indicators for Sustainable Development Goals We are very pleased to share with you a new draft SDSN report for public consultation. Indicators for

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Power to the People

Just published – POWER TO THE PEOPLE – by Astrid Kander Power to the People Power to the People: Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries Astrid Kander, Paolo Malanima & Paul Warde Cloth

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iWISE2014 Call for Papers

  You are invited to submit proposals for the “International Conference on Water, Informatics, Sustainability and Environment: iWISE 2014” which will be held on August 26 – 28, 2014 at Canadian Museum of Civilization, Gatineau-Ottawa

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Call for Papers – Degrowth Conference 2014

In September 2014, the Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity will take place in Leipzig, Germany. The conference seeks to bring practitioners, activists and scientists together and covers three main

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Call for papers for ISEE website

Special issue on “Framing Degrowth: from diagnosis to development alternatives” Targeted journal: ‘Development and Change’ Guest editors: Joan Martinez-Alier, Esteve Corbera, Viviana Asara, Federico Demaria, Iago Otero Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Institut de Ciència

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