
Category: Publishing

ECOLEC Call for Contributions: Special Issue on "Natural Disasters and Resilience" in Ecological Economics

ECOLEC Special Issue Call for Contributions

Call for Contributions: Special Issue on “Natural Disasters and Resilience” in Ecological Economics We invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners to submit their contributions for a special issue of Ecological Economics focused on “Natural Disasters and Resilience.” This special

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Enciclopedia Ecological Economics

With diverse contributions from over 100 authors around the globe, this comprehensive Encyclopedia summarises the developments of ecological economics from the fundamental contributions to the more recent methodological debates in the field. It provides an

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Convocatoria REVIBEC

Convocatoria REVIBEC Se trata de la Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica, publicada bajo los auspicios de la Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro, Peter May, y Junior García, coeditores. La revista sólo publica en

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Call for Papers: Special Issue Journal Ecological Economics

Deforestation-free trade: Global governance challenges and socio-environmental implications in producing countries Call for papers for a special issue in the journal Ecological Economics Supported by the International Society for Ecological Economics Invited editors Roldan Muradian, Universidade Federal

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Economía ecológica latinoamericana

Open Access Book from CLACSO – Libros

Economía ecológica latinoamericana Economía ecológica latinoamericana Aleida Azamar Alonso. Jose Carlos Silva Macher. Federico Zuberman. [Coordinadores] ISBN 978-987-813-025-5 CLACSO. Siglo XXI. Buenos Aires. Septiembre de 2022 *Disponible sólo en versión digital Abordar la cuestión latinoamericana,

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New Books Available

Did you know that ISEE has a book resource page? Check it out at Here are two new books to add to your collection. Herman Daly’s Economics for a Full World: His Life and

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Evaluating Policy Packages for Low-Carbon Transitions

EVALUATING POLICY PACKAGES FOR LOW-CARBON TRANSITIONS – PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS Special Issue Ecological Economics Guest editor: Prof dr HRJ Vollebergh (Tilburg University and Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency) Transitions and policy rationales Limiting global warming to

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Economics and Climate Emergency

Economics and Climate Emergency Special Issue of the Journal Globalizations Introduction to the SI Gills, B. and J. Morgan. 2020a. ‘Economics and climate emergency’. Globalizations: 1-16. Contents (alphabetical) Bacevic, J. 2020. ‘Unthinking knowledge production:

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