
Category: News

Foreseen for 2020 Open Call for Hosting

News Release: 28 May 2018 OPEN CALL for Hosting the 7th International Degrowth Conference (Foreseen for 2020) – We are open to different formats, like regional or thematic conferences! This year the degrowth community celebrates

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Attack on Brazilian Raoni Valle

Last March 9 night, the Brazilian documentarist, archaeologist and activist of the indigenous cause, Raoni Bernardo Maranhão Valle, was attacked on the porch of his house in Alter do Chão, Pará state. Two men approached

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Online SDG Academy Course

Peter May shares with you the preview of the online SDG Academy course entitled “From the Ground Up: Protecting and Managing our Terrestrial Ecosystems“ on biodiversity, land use and forests in which I have participated

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Call for Volunteer Chapter Scientists

IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL) Posting is Closed The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is in the process of developing a Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL), which

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Radical Ecological Economics

In Radical Ecological Economics author David Barkin describes how Communities are realizing that they can be better off by taking control over their territories and organizing themselves collectively to assure the production of their needs and the conservation

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Energy Globe Award 2018

  The objective of the ENERGY GLOBE Award is to present successful sustainable projects to a global audience and to demonstrate that for many environmental problems feasible solutions already exist. Projects submitted from over 170

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Handbook on Growth and Sustainability

Handbook on Growth and Sustainability Edited by Peter A. Victor, Professor, York University and Brett Dolter, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Ottawa, Canada This Handbook assembles original contributions from influential authors such as Herman Daly,

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