
Category: News

USSEE October News

Latest Blog Post, Featured Job Posting, and Upcoming ESV Workshop BLOG POSTS AND WEBINARS On Wednesday October 17th Susan Santone presented a webinar on Integrating Ecological Economics Concepts into Other Disciplines. If you missed it, you

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ASAUEE News of Ecological Economy

Desde la Asociación Argentino-Uruguaya de Economía Ecológica queremos compartir la videoonferencia de Óscar Carpintero (Universidad de Valladolid y Grupo de Investigación Transdisciplinar en Transiciones Socioecológicas), moderada por el presidente de la ASAUEE Guillermo Peinado (Universidad Nacional de Rosario y

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Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Volume 34, October 2018, Pages 26-32 Gender equality, food security and the sustainable development goals by Bina Agarwal Abstract This paper examines the potential and limitations of SDG 5 (Gender Equality) in

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World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity

World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity Posted by Stuart Scott, ISEE Strategist, I have been collaborating with the group that issued the World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity – Second Notice in December 2017.  The result

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September 24 Deadline for COP-24

Posted by Stuart Scott, ISEE Strategist  COP-24 This year the ISEE has been granted provisional* Observer status to the UNFCCC climate negotiations.  I applied for this status, with Anne Aitken’s assistance, and I am now

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Indian Society for Ecological Economics

Bina Agarwal Prize for Ecological Economics

BINA AGARWAL PRIZE FOR ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS Call for Nominations Deadline for receipt of nominations: 28 February 2019 Nomination Form:  The Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) announces the Bina Agarwal Prize for Ecological Economics to be awarded

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Important ISEE XV Congress Update

We are one month before the event and we would like to REQUEST YOUR COLLABORATION to make the events as successful as possible. 15th Congress of the International Society for Ecological Economics 2018 Mexico Ecological

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Global Warming

15 June 2018 Article by Dissident Voice An interview with Stuart Scott Stuart Scott of Climate Matters.TV recently interviewed Dr. Peter Wadhams, emeritus professor, Polar Ocean Physics, Cambridge University and author of the acclaimed highly

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The Plastic Issue and Economics

Sir David Attenborough posted on his Facebook page about the damage we are inflicting using plastic. At a landfill in Spain, a stork entangled with a plastic bag was freed by the photographer. Sadly, a

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2018 Boulding Award

2018 BOULDING AWARD We are pleased to announce that the Boulding Award  Committee, ​b​ased on a thorough review of prior and recently identified potential candidates, has decided unanimously to award the 2018 Boulding Award to Inge Røpke, ​in

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