
Category: News

ISC Letter from the President

ISC Letter from the President 10 July 2019 Dear ISC Members, Dear Colleagues, One year after the launch of the International Science Council (ISC), it is worth taking stock of how far we have come

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USSEE Board of Director Openings

The USSEE Board of Directors invites you to nominate candidate(s) for the Board of the U.S. Society for Ecological Economics. The election will be held in late May and we are seeking nominations for the following positions by May 10th. You are

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Sociedad Brasileña de Economía Ecológica

Sociedad Brasileña de Economía Ecológica XIII Encuentro Nacional de la Sociedad Brasileña de Economía Ecológica (ECOECO) ¿Será el Antropoceno la era del colapso ambiental? Pensando una economía para el Planeta Tierra. 23 a 26 de

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Report on Indigenous Participation

International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) 15th International Congress The David Suzuki Foundation sponsored our first roundtable at the Congress. This contribution includes their summary report, as well as statements by Mexican and Canadian indigenous

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March/April USSEE News

Millennium Challenge Corporation Grant Opportunity The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has just issued a grant opportunity.  MCC is looking to develop partnerships with a non-profit, “think tank” or academic institution to enhance analytical capabilities in various

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Environmental Tragedy in Brumadinho

The International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) expresses its pain in the face of yet another environmental tragedy in Brazil, this time in Brumadinho, state of Minas Gerais. This tragedy involves a tailings dam that

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CfP: Resilience

The Journal of Business Logistics has a call for papers. The idea of the CfP is to transfer theory related to ecological economics to the area of logistics and supply chain management. For more information click

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2019 ISEE President’s Greeting

The President’s greeting on the 2019 threshold Dear Collegues and Friends – I would like to remind you that the mission of ISEE consists of extending and integrating the understanding of the interfaces and interplay

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Russia’s Green Economy

Russia’s green economy The country’s ecological transition is slow and tenuous – but it is happening By Angelina Davydova | 29.11.2018 Originally published  International Politics and Society Environmental issues are currently all the rage in Russia. They feature

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Concern of Ecological Economists

The new Brazilian government, to take office on January 1st, 2019, does not want COP-25 in Brazil. According to the president-elect, Jair Bolsonaro, climate change as presented is an artificial threat. To say that global

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