
Category: News

New Educational Horizons in Favor of Nature

Nuevos horizontes educativos a favor de la naturaleza Coordinación editorial de Salvador Peniche Camps Griselda Martínez Romero Autor(es) Joan Martínez Alier, David Barkin, Marco Antonio Berger García, Gemma Isabel Pérez Rojas, Pablo Sandoval Cabrera, Zarina Estela Aguirre Lozano, María

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Convocatoria postdoctoral 2023

Convocatoria postdoctoral 2023

Convocatoria postdoctoral 2023 Investigación Acción Participativa para co-crear trayectorias de transformación sobre el agua ¿Te interesa diseñar y poner en práctica procesos que fomenten transformaciones sostenibles? ¿Sientes curiosidad por las herramientas y métodos participativos creativos

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Herman Daly

Paying Tribute to Herman Daly

Celebrating the Life of Herman Daly 1938 – 2022 A memorial service will be held celebrating the life of Herman Daly on Saturday, November 12, at 4 p.m. EST.  Join Memorial Service Live Stream Herman

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Herman Daly

Death of Herman Daly

The ISEE Community is deeply saddened by the death of Herman Daly, co-founder of the ISEE and constant contributor to the field of Ecological Economics.  He was awarded the Right Livelihood Award for “defining a

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III Encuentro Internacional de Catedras de Economia Y Ambiente

III Meeting of Chairs Economics and Environment 2022

III International Meeting of Chairs of Economy and Environment UNViMa, November 17 and 18 , 2022 The Organizing Committee of the Third International Meeting of Chairs of Economics and Environment sends you the first circular with information about the event. The Third International Meeting

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Oxford Summer School

Oxford Summer School in Ecological Economics 2022

Environment Europe is pleased to announce that we are accepting applications for the Oxford Summer School in Ecological Economics 2022 will take place 21-27 August 2022 at St Hilda’s College! The programme this year is focused

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Doing Ecological Economics

Doing Ecological Economics

Thinking about carbon policies and management May 11, 2022 at 16h CET YouTube This webinar will explore to what extent ecological economics principles are currently integrated into carbon policies and management, and in particular how

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Limits to Growth Event

Limits to Growth Co-sponsors Leadership for the Ecozoic The Gund Institute for Environment The Academy for Systems Change (formerly knows as the Donella Meadows Project) Rethinking Economics UVM It’s been 50 years since the Limits

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