
Category: News

Dr. Herman Daly; Nobel Prize Nomination

To the Board and Membership of the ISEE, its national, regional and international branches: Dear Friends, We are united by our understanding the destructive nature of the limitless economic growth regime is having on the

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Future Earth Engagement Committee

Call for Applications: Future Earth Engagement Committee The Science and Technology Alliance for Global Sustainability invite applications for the Future Earth Engagement Committee. Future Earth is a 10-year international research programme that will provide critical

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SMEE Bulletin

The Mesoamerican Society for Ecological Economics SMEE shares it’s second bulletin with important information regarding EcoEco Alternatives Conference (March 4-8).  Registration to EcoEco Alternatives is now open! To read the SMEE Bulletin click here. “La

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Winners of TERI Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Awards

Professor Inge Røpke and Western Ghats Ecology Experts Panel chaired by Professor Madhav Gadgil announced winners of TERI Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Awards. New Delhi, December 10th  2013: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) today announced the

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Building Climate Solutions

Over thirty organizations are partnering with the Building Climate Solutions conference to engage participants in new and ongoing initiatives that advance solutions to climate change. The four initiatives highlighted below are particularly excellent opportunities wherein

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Bina Agarwal’s Ongoing Effectuation

Bina Agarwal, President ISEE, has been appointed as a member of the Future Earth Science Committee.  Consisting of 18 members globally, belonging to diverse disciplines, including the natural and social sciences, humanities and engineering, the

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Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) Conference

Conference 2013Making Ecosystem Services Count 6th Annual International ESP Conference 201326-30 August 2013, Bali, Indonesia Venue: Pan Pacific Nirwana Bali Resort (PPNBR) The emphasis of this sixth international Ecosystem Services Partnership conference will be on

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ASAUEE | IV Meeting 2013

The Argentinean-Uruguayan Ecological Economics Association (ASAUEE) is meeting for the sixth time in the Salta Province. The Iberoamerican Ecological Economy Network (REDIBEC), along with the International Society for Ecological Economy (ISEE), the Argentinean-Uruguayan Ecological Economics

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