
Category: News: ISEE

Attack on Brazilian Raoni Valle

Last March 9 night, the Brazilian documentarist, archaeologist and activist of the indigenous cause, Raoni Bernardo Maranhão Valle, was attacked on the porch of his house in Alter do Chão, Pará state. Two men approached

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Online SDG Academy Course

Peter May shares with you the preview of the online SDG Academy course entitled “From the Ground Up: Protecting and Managing our Terrestrial Ecosystems“ on biodiversity, land use and forests in which I have participated

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Radical Ecological Economics

In Radical Ecological Economics author David Barkin describes how Communities are realizing that they can be better off by taking control over their territories and organizing themselves collectively to assure the production of their needs and the conservation

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Dr. Deepak Malghan Wins Award

Dr. Deepak Malghan wins Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao Award in Social Sciences The prize takes note of his original research and recognises his contributions to the development of knowledge in the field of Human Geography and

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2016 Kenneth Boulding Award Announced!

The International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) announces the 2016 recipients of the Kenneth Boulding Award that will be presented at the 2016 ISEE Conference June 26 to 29 on the campus of the University

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