
Category: Past Other

Degrowth International Conferences in 2018

Announcing three Degrowth International Conferences in 2018: Sweden, Mexico and European Parliament.  The Support Group of the International Degrowth Conferences is happy to announce three degrowth events for 2018. After the conferences in Paris (2008), Barcelona (2010),

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AARES Conference 2018 Call for Papers

The 62nd Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) Annual Conference 2018 “Abundance in an Era of Scarcity? Challenges and Opportunities for Australasian Agriculture, Environment, Food, Resource, and Agribusiness Sectors” Join us in 2018 for

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2018 AARES Conference Australia

The 62nd Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) Annual Conference 2018“Abundance in an Era of Scarcity? Challenges and Opportunities for Australasian Agriculture, Environment, Food, Resource and Agribusiness Sectors” Join us in 2018 for an

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Special Conference Invite for ISEE and Members

Airleap would like to invite the International Society for Ecological Economics and its members to a two-day economics conference on “An Urgency for Evidence and Transparency in Economic Analysis and Policy.” The conference will take place near

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4th PhD Summer School 2017

RESEARCH ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sustainability and Risks – How to deal with risk issues in sustainability research? 10 – 14 July 2017, University of Basel, Switzerland Content Nothing is as risky as our future. Sustainability

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Call for the 7th Thematic Workshop FAERE

The Xth thematic workshop of FAERE ) will be hosted by the AMURE research unit ( at the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (https://www-iuem.univbrest. fr/en), Plouzané, France, on May 11-12th, 2017. The workshop will focus on

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Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum

Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum Registration is now OPEN! … places are limited! The Oceania region consist of approx. 25 island nations. Whilst some nations in Oceania (such as Australia and New Zealand) are highly developed,

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Oxford Summer School in Ecological Economics 2016

Oxford Summer School in Ecological Economics 2016 4-10 September, 2016 Green Economy, Environmental Policy and Sustainability Assessment The School will address key elements of the new economy transformation, exploring the cutting edge methods and policy

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Efficiency Without Sacrifice

Climate Ethics and Climate Economics: ‘Efficiency Without Sacrifice’: A Novel Way to Fund Mitigation? The second of six ESRC-funded workshops exploring issues where the ethics and economics of climate change intersect will be held at

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Budapest Degrowth Conference 2016

Degrowth Conference Budapest 2016

Walking the Meaningful Great Transformations? 30 August – 3 September 2016 Call for Individual Papers Open 29 February 2016 The call will close on 29th of February 2016. Please note that the deadline will not

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