
Category: Events

ANZSEE Abstracts Due Friday 24 July

Just a quick reminder that abstracts are due for the ANZSEE 2015 conference this Friday July 24, 2015. The conference, Thriving Through Transformation – Local to Global Sustainability, will be held at the University of

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ANZSEE 2015 Conference

ANZSEE 2015 Conference (19 – 23 October 2015) ANZSEE is excited to announce that the 2015 Conference, Thriving Through Transformation – Local to Global Sustainability, will be held at the University of New England Business School,

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CANUSSEE Proposal Deadline on May 15

​ Thank you to those who have submitted proposals for presentations, posters, workshops, and complete sessions at the upcoming CANUSSEE Conference being held October 1-4  in Vancouver B.C. There are only 8 more days to

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Llamada de trabajos

Final Call for submissions to the joint ECOECO/CISDA conference in São Paulo, September 8-11, 2015 8 a 11 de septiembre de 2015 – Araraquara – SP, Brasil. El VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Desarrollo y Ambiente

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Summer School in Sustainability Economics

Summer School in Sustainability Economics: Experiments on Intergenerational Justice under Uncertainty Camp Reinsehlen, Germany, 11-14, October 2015 Thematic Background The vision of sustainability requires that development paths be equitable across and within generations, while human-made

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ECOECO 2015 Update

The Brazilian Society for Ecological Economics (ECOECO) XI National Meeting and the VII Ibero-American Conference on Sustainable Development (CISDA) announce a change in the abstract review cycle. Extended abstracts will be accepted for review up

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Potsdam Summer School 2015

Potsdam Summer School 2015 – Facing Natural Hazards The second Potsdam Summer School is calling for applications! Under the overarching theme “Facing Natural Hazards”, this interdisciplinary and interactive event running from 14 – 23 September

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17th ANNUAL BIOECON CONFERENCE: “Experimental and Behavioural Economics and the Conservation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” 13th -15th September 2015 – Kings College, Cambridge, United Kingdom The 17th BIOECON Conference will be of interest to

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CANUSSEE 2015 Joint Biennial Conference

CANUSSEE 2015 Joint Biennial Conference Vancouver, BC Canada October 1-4, 2015 Pathways for Change: Towards a Just and Sustainable Economy Visit our Conference Website for a full list of conference sub-themes and updates on venue,

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Seizing an Alternative

John Cobb (co-author of For the Common Good) is organizing an action-oriented conference on Seizing an Alternative: Towards an Ecological Civilization at Pomona College on June 4-7. One of the main tracks is on ecological

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Economics for Transition

Join the revolution in our global economic system. Join the radical activists and entrepreneurs pioneering the new economy that will take centre stage. Unique in the world, this programme will equip you to lead the

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De Presidencia ASAUEE: VII Jornadas Comahue

De Presidencia ASAUEE: VII Jornadas Comahue Nov. 2015 Con mucho gusto los invitamos a nuestras VII Jornadas de la ASAUEE, en Neuquén (Argentina), a realizarse en Noviembre 2015. En la pag. adjunta, encontraran todos los

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