
CANUSSEE 2015 Joint Biennial Conference

Canada & United States Societies

CANUSSEE 2015 Joint Biennial Conference
Vancouver, BC Canada
October 1-4, 2015

Pathways for Change:
Towards a Just and Sustainable Economy

Visit our Conference Website for a full list of conference sub-themes and updates on venue, presenters, and program!

Call for Proposals – Deadline Extended!

Review of submitted abstracts will begin April 1st after our first abstract deadline of March 31st, but we will continue to accept abstracts through April 24th. For early review and notification of acceptance, we suggest submitting your abstract by March 31st. Please visit the Call for Proposals page to submit your presentation ideas using our online form.

The Organizing Committee welcomes a variety of proposal formats including paper, panel, poster, and workshop submissions that address theoretical questions and inspire pathways for change towards a just and sustainable economy. A key part of our joint effort is to promote dialogue that transcends disciplines and geographic boundaries engaging academics, policy-makers, practitioners and activists.

Proposals are limited to 250 words and should include full names and contact information of all authors. When applying for a full session proposal, please submit a single abstract with up to 3 additional authors and select “complete session” on the submission page. The scientific review committee will send a request for the full co-author list and individual titles of papers following acceptance of the abstract.

For questions please email