
Call for Two Postdoctoral Positions

We are excited to announce the call for two postdoctoral positions within the €2.13 m ERC project “Digitalization for Environmental Justice and Biocultural Diversity” (DIVERSE). The positions will be based in the John Hopkins University-Universitat Pompeu Fabra (JHU-UPF) Public Policy Center at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain).

Applications must be done through Intefolio by the end of May.

Position 1

A Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Ecology and Environmental Justice will lead the compilation of knowledge about digitalizing grassroots transformative alternatives from scattered databases through interviews with experts and a scenario workshop. Research methods will involve qualitative and quantitative approaches, including systematic literature reviews, in-depth interviews, the use of a relational database, topic modelling, and scenario development. This is a 3-year contract, extendable to 5 years, with a 6-month probationary period.

More info in postdoc call:

Applications through Interfolio:

Position 2

A postdoctoral researcher in databases and geographical information systems will develop a relational database of ‘digital elements in transformative initiatives’ connected to spatial data and conduct spatial analyses of digital access and the presence of grassroots transformative initiatives at the international level. Research tools will involve PostgreSQL, including the PostGIS extension, and Geographic Information Systems (using QGIS or ArcGIS). This is a 3-year contract with a 6-month probationary period.

More info in postdoc call:

Applications through Interfolio:

Both positions start in January 2025 and have a gross salary of approximately 36,000 euros per year and statutory benefits. There is no citizenship requirement. We encourage applications from underrepresented groups in research, especially those from women.

The call links provide more details about the project, specific tasks, qualifications, selection criteria, and information on the application process.

If you have any other questions or clarification requests, contact


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