
Author: ISEE Admin

Direitos da natureza

Direitos da natureza

Tema: Direitos da natureza Data/horário: 16 de setembro de 2022 (sexta-feira), às 14hs Convidada: Vanessa Hasson de Oliveira, advogada com especialização pela FSP da USP em meio ambiente e atuação em terceiro setor, mestre em

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Economía ecológica latinoamericana

Open Access Book from CLACSO – Libros

Economía ecológica latinoamericana Economía ecológica latinoamericana Aleida Azamar Alonso. Jose Carlos Silva Macher. Federico Zuberman. [Coordinadores] ISBN 978-987-813-025-5 CLACSO. Siglo XXI. Buenos Aires. Septiembre de 2022 *Disponible sólo en versión digital Abordar la cuestión latinoamericana,

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III Encuentro Internacional de Catedras de Economia Y Ambiente

III Meeting of Chairs Economics and Environment 2022

III International Meeting of Chairs of Economy and Environment UNViMa, November 17 and 18 , 2022 The Organizing Committee of the Third International Meeting of Chairs of Economics and Environment sends you the first circular with information about the event. The Third International Meeting

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Oxford Summer School

Oxford Summer School in Ecological Economics 2022

Environment Europe is pleased to announce that we are accepting applications for the Oxford Summer School in Ecological Economics 2022 will take place 21-27 August 2022 at St Hilda’s College! The programme this year is focused

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Maine-eDNA EPSCoR PhD Graduate Job Posting

The Maine-eDNA EPSCoR program seeks up to 3 doctoral (PhD) students to join the $20 million NSF-Funded Maine-eDNA program. Maine-eDNA is a multi-institution EPSCoR program focused on using eDNA approaches to advance coastal ecosystem science

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University of Leeds

Teaching Fellow in Ecological Economics

Are you able to deliver high-quality teaching on undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses? Can you contribute to delivering innovative learning and teaching approaches? Do you want to join one of the leading higher education providers

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Doing Ecological Economics

Doing Ecological Economics

Thinking about carbon policies and management May 11, 2022 at 16h CET YouTube This webinar will explore to what extent ecological economics principles are currently integrated into carbon policies and management, and in particular how

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