
Author: ISEE Admin

Draft ISEE Position on Economic Growth

Originating from a Proposal at the Eighth Biennial Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 11-14, 2004 Edited Pursuant to Comments Received Following the Ninth Biennial Conference, Delhi, India, December 15-18, 2006 Send Comments to Dr. Brian Czech.

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New UNEP Chief

Nairobi, 15 June 2006 –The new head of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) took up office today with a call to all nations to put the environment at the heart of economic policies.

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Online EE Journal in Spanish & Portuguese

The Iberoamerican Network for Ecological Economics (Red Iberoamericana de Economia Ecologica, REDIBEC) announces the publication of the second issue of the on-line, peer-reviewed journal, the Iberoamerican Journal of Ecological Economic. The second issue presents the

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New Masters Program at UVSQ

A new Masters program in the Sciences of the Environment, Territory and the Economy (SETE) is available at the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ). Click here for further information.

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