
Author: ISEE Admin

Agricultural University of Norway

The course aims to give students: a solid basis in economic theory, with a specialisation in development and resource economics; knowledge, training and practical experience with economic methodologies; and deeper insights into the links between

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University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines

UVSQ offers a Masters degree co-ordinated by Denis Requier-Desjardins (Director of the C3ED, UVSQ, France) and Martin O’Connor (C3ED, UVSQ, France). The programme covers Ecological Economics perspectives for the Environment and Development issues. A new

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University of Vermont

The Gund Institute pursues integrated research, education, design, and leadership in the trans-disciplinary field of ecological economics. The Institute’s website highlights current and past research as well as certificate and degree programs offered by the

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In April 2004, the New Zealand Minister for Research Science and Technology opened the New Zealand Centre for Ecological Economics (NZCEE). NZCEE is a joint venture between Massey University and Landcare Research Ltd. The Centre

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August 2008 — African Society for Ecological Economics announces the election of inaugural board members. Post-ISEE Montreal 2004, ASEE is now up and running and planning it’s first biennial regional conference. Click here for details.

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During the 8th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity, ECOECO in collaboration with the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC) and other Brazilian and international scientific societies took part

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November 2004 – INSEE now has a new website and address. INSEE March 2004 Newsletter.

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