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The Ninth Biennial Conference of ISEE, ‘Ecological Sustainability & Human Well-Being’, was held in Delhi, India from the 15th to the 19th December 2006.
We are organizing a special Ecological Economics lecture series at Oxford. The lecture series is organized by Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University. Stanislav Shmelev holds the honour of acting as the series convener.
Dear Colleague, It is my pleasure to inform you that the 2009-2010 Fulbright New Century Scholars Program (NCS) has been announced. The topic is
Find most current information on the website. Organizers: The Scientific Society LIPHE4 and the Research Group of Integrated Assessment of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
Marie Curie Summer Schools in Barcelona, Bratislava, Brighton (Sussex), and Lisbon, under the direction of Professor Arild Vatn. First summer school: Analysing Complexity, ICTA, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 7-17 June 2006. For information and applications,
The Dissertation Initiative for the advancement of Climate-Change ReSearch (DISCCRS, pronounced “discourse”) is designed to prepare recent Ph.D. graduates for interdisciplinary careers focusing on climate change and its impacts. DISCCRS is funded by NSF and
EASY-ECO Bratislava Training will be held from 21st-30th September, 2005 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The course explores key elements in sustainability evaluations and is specifically focused towards bringing together young researchers with evaluation practitioners as well
CLOSED The European Investment Bank launches new EIBURS sponsorship for University Research Centres including: Advanced research on the costs and benefits of ecosystem protection in the context of climate change and/or the use of market-based
Project: An Attempt to Determine the Price of Converting Forest Land into Agriculture in Rural Areas of Senegal
Project: Social Theory and the Moral Foundations of Development
The Centre for Science and Environment is one of India’s leading environmental NGOs with a deep interest in sustainable natural resource management. CSE’s strategy of “knowledge based activism” has won it wide respect and admiration
The Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE) is a tax-exempt organization dedicated to advocating a sustainable economy with stabilized population and consumption. This economy is called a “steady state economy.” The
The Research Database on Water Conservation is run in conjunction with the Environment Agency’s National Water Demand Management Centre. The Aims of the research database are to: collect and maintain information from organisations and individuals