
Author: ISEE Admin

Earthjustice/Environmental Integrity Project

Testimony on EPA’s ‘Coal Combustion Residuals Proposed Rule’ The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set out to regulate the disposal of coal combustion residues, which U.S. power plants produce in large quantities – 133 million

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RSEE Bi-Annual Conference

  Russian Society of Ecological Economy Institute of stable development of Russian Federation social chamber Kemerovo State University Department of Russian Nature Inspection of Kemerovo region Administration of Kemerovo region “Energy effectiveness of economy and

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Economism and the Night Sky

Economism and the Night Sky Richard B. Norgaard The economy is our new cosmos. Stars may still shine, but few now tend sheep under a starry night sky. In fact, half the world¹s population seldom

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Sustainability Tour

We have posted a sustainability tour on our website. This tour offers each passenger an introduction to the main aspects of development towards sustainability. Just get on the bus and be guided along the highlights. You

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The Natural Capital Project Research Assistant

THE NATURAL CAPITAL PROJECT Position Announcement RESEARCH ASSISTANT (ECONOMICS) The Natural Capital Project will be applying its innovative, spatially-explicit ecosystem-service quantification and valuation tool, InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs), at three Department

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Summer School in Environmental Governance

The Norwegian University of Life Sciences is organizing a summer school series in Environmental Governance. The first course will run from June 20-July 1, 2011. The title of this course is ‘Environmental governance: Institutions for

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International Journal of Sustainable Society

Proposal for a special issue of the “International Journal of Sustainable Society”. 18 August 2010 Topic “The contribution of protected areas to sustainability” Editors Michael Getzner, Professor of Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy, Vienna University

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