
Author: ISEE Admin

CEG News

Recent Publications Real People, Real Impacts: The Climate Impact Equity Lens SEI report, also available as SEI policy brief The CIEL Backgrounder: Understanding the Climate Impact Equity Lens SEI technical report Development without Carbon: Climate

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Le Monde Article

See this article in Le Monde, by Hervé Kampf, praising  Ecological Economics and Herman Daly’s "steady state" (in rich countries): Author, Hervé Kampf, talks about Emploi, les solutions. 

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Oxford University Press Special Offer

Oxford University Press Special Offer on Gender and Green Governance The Political Economy of Women’s Presence Within and Beyond Community Forestry by Bina Agarwal     A personal copy of Bina Agarwal’s Gender and Green Governance

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Thor Heyerdahl Summer School in Environmental Governance

Thor Heyerdahl Summer School in Environmental Governance: Global Environmental Governance 25.06. 2012– 06.07.2012 Noragric, Norwegian University of Life Sciences The Thor Heyerdahl Summer School in Environmental Governance offers PhDs and young researchers the opportunity to

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Boulding Award

The International Society for Ecological Economics Kenneth E. Boulding Memorial Award Kenneth E. Boulding (1910-1993) was a leading systems thinker who integrated social theory with the natural sciences and moral philosophy. He was an eccentric,

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Ecosystem Service Valuation Researcher

Ecosystem Service Valuation Researcher Earth Economics is a visionary organization that aims to transform the way the Earth is valued. We currently provide custom reports, economic analysis, policy analysis and training for a wide range

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Help Change the World

EARTH ECONOMICS SEEKS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO HELP CHANGE THE WORLD Earth Economics, a visionary organization that aims to transform the way our earth is valued, seeks a Development Director who wants to help change our

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Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australia

There is an Assistant Professorship vacancy in Physical Geography at the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia. We are a leading interdisciplinary School undertaking research, research training

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ISEE Election Results

Voting for the 2011 ISEE election of officers was open for three weeks and closed on December 21, with very close results.  Terms are two years. President Elect:  Marina Fischer-Kowalski President 2012-2013: Bina Agarwal Past

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With the change of the United Nations Rio+20 dates, the local Rio+20 organizing team has still centrally booked the majority of the hotel rooms throughout the city of Rio de Janeiro. We are currently still

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Planet Under Pressure 2012

Planet Under Pressure 2012 New Knowledge Towards Solutions 26-29 March 2012 * London, UK Organised by the global-change programmes of the International Council for Science. Register now for this major international conference focusing on solutions

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