
Author: ISEE Admin

BES & LSE Annual Symposium

British Ecological Society & London School of Economics Joint Annual Symposium Eco2: Ecology x Economics=Eco2 BMA House, London 8 – 10 September 2014 In September we will be holding our Annual Symposium. The organising committee

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ANZSEE 2013 Conference – Free Access

It is with great pleasure that I can announce the 2013 ANZSEE Conference proceedings are now available for FREE. These referred conference proceedings are a collation of both academic papers and practitioner insights based on

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Networked Urban Mobilities

Networked Urban Mobilities – Register Now   5-7th of November 2014 Venue: Aalborg University Campus in Copenhagen, DK Joint hosts: Aalborg University & Roskilde University REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN Keynote Speakers Announced! John Urry –

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Oxford Summer School in Ecological Economics 2014

Breaking News The Oxford Summer School in Ecological Economics 2014 will be opened by Prof. Peter Söderbaum and will feature will feature guest lectures by the European Environment Agency (, Prof. Herbert Girardet and

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Response to David Barkin posting by Roy Morrison

Original Morrison posting. Response by David Barkin. It is precisely the enormous second law advantages posed, for example, by a global efficient renewable energy transformation to replace high entropy and ecologically ruinous fossil fuels and

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Elinor Ostrom Prize – 2014 Shortlist

Shortlisted Articles Currently Available Without Payment The Elinor Ostrom Prize of £1000 is awarded each year for the best full-length article published in the Journal of Institutional Economics in the preceding calendar year. Each annual

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Kinship Conservation Fellows Announces 2014 Cohort

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Kinship Conservation Fellows Announces 18 Conservation Leaders Chosen for 2014 Cohort Conservation leaders based in 10 countries will gather in Bellingham, Washington, USA for a month-long fellowship exploring market-based approaches to environmental

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Professor Peter Victor


The Kenneth Boulding Award committee of the International Society for Ecological Economics has unanimously decided to give the award for 2014 to Professor Peter Victor for his influential research on an ecological macroeconomics without growth

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