
Author: ISEE Admin

Nature Needs Half (NNH) Initiative

Upcoming Opportunities ISEE to influence Nature Needs Half initiative: The ISEE is encouraged to participate in upcoming events in 2020 that are expected to contribute greatly to defining an internationally recognized framework for biodiversity protection

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Herman Daly in the RWER

Real-World Economics Review Issue No. 90 Subscribe for Free The importance of ecological economics: An interview with Herman Daly Herman Daly and Jamie Morgan [University of Maryland, USA; Leeds Becket University, UK] Copyright: Herman Daly

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Manifestation of Life

Manifestation of Life by Clóvis Cavalcanti  Bugles, trumpets sound; birds trill. And the waters of a stream slide sweetly. The blue of the sky shines brighter than ever. An intense golden light emanates from the

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Nominations for INTECOL Board Positions

INTECOL is seeking nominations for positions on the Board. If you are interested in running, contact Candidates should provide a one-page summary, addressing each of the attached criteria. See the Call for Nominations, Criteria

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Clóvis Cavalcanti Video Greeting at INSEE-CESS

INSEE-CESS International Conference Climate Change and Disasters: Challenges, Opportunities and Responses Tenth INSEE Biennial Conference, 2019, CESS, HYDERABAD 6 – 8 November 2019 Video greeting from ISEE 2018/2019 President, Clóvis Cavalcanti

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Support for the people of Ecuador

A Note from the Mesoamerican and Caribbean Society for Ecological Economics Given the climate of violence that has been unleashed in Ecuador as a result of Decree 883, it goes without saying that the use

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Anthropocene to the Ecozoic (A2E) Symposium

Invitation: “Anthropocene to the Ecozoic” (A2E) Symposium, October 17-18, 2019 Venue: McGill Faculty Club, 3450 McTavish St, Montreal  H3A 1X9  OR  by Internet Eventbrite ticket for in-person participation: click here Live stream link: available next week on our website ( You

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