
Author: ISEE Admin

FacingFuture.TV Call for Editors

Stuart Scott, our representative to the annual COP, the UN-sponsored climate negotiations, is in need of some volunteer assistance.  He transitioned from ClimateMatters.TV for several COPs to ScientistsWarning.TV for a few more.  Now he has

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MINE Discussion

MINE Discussion Paper Series

MINE – Mapping the Interplay between Nature and Economy A Digital Gateway to the Foundations of Ecological Economics Discussion Paper Series No. 658 Department of Economics Heidelberg University December 2018

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ISEE Past-President Bina Agarwal in the News

Indian Express An edit page piece in Indian Express on strategic antibody testing to ease the lockdown in key sectors. UNU-WIDER Blog Blog post published by UNU-WIDER: COVID-19 and lockdowns: Are women more affected? The Impact

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USSEE Webinar Series April 15, 2020

USSEE Webinar Series: Ostrom, Commons, and Voluntary Environmental Programs Wednesday, April 15th, 1 pm EDT Erik Nordman will apply concepts from Elinor Ostrom’s work on managing the commons to analyze the 2030 District Energy Program

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USSEE March Newsletter

On behalf of the USSEE Board of Directors and staff, I would like to extend my best wishes to you all as you adapt to these unprecedented global challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. I

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E4A Webinar March 24 at Noon

“Anthropocene to the Ecozoic” Webinar on Wednesday, March 25 at 12 noon EDT This Wednesday at 12 noon EDT is the next webinar in our series “From the Anthropocene to the Ecozoic”.  The last Wednesday of

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The Economics of Infectious Disease

Recent Papers Perrings, C., Levin, S. & Daszak, P. (2018) The Economics of Infectious Disease, Trade and Pandemic Risk. EcoHealth, 1-3. Shanafelt, D., Jones, G., Lima, M., Perrings, C. & Chowell, G. (2018) Forecasting the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease epidemic

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Social-Ecological Economics AFEP Conference

Social-Ecological Economics AFEP Conference On July 1-3 the French Association for Political Economy (AFEP) will hold its annual conference in Toulouse. English contributions are very welcome as well as contributions from fellow social sciences. There

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EwS 2020

EwS 2020 The second international ‘Education with Sustainability’ Conference 13th & 14th August 2020 Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden Jointly hosted by Mid Sweden University, Sweden, and Sustainability (CERIS) Research Centre at IT Sligo, Ireland.

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CfP International Workshop

International Workshop “Circular Economy and Sustainability” April 2020, University of Ferrara The Workshop is a joint initiative of CERCIS (Centre for Research in Circular Economy, Innovation and SMEs), and SEEDS (Sustainability, Environmental Economics, and Dynamics

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Letter from Outgoing President of ISEE

Letter from Outgoing President of ISEE Olinda (Brazil), December 23rd, 2019. When I accepted to be the ISEE president-elect candidate, I explained that my desire had always been to challenge the conventional economics I learned

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