
Assistant Professor in Environment and Natural Resources – University of Iceland – Reykjavík

The University of Iceland seeks applicants to fill a tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in the area of Environment and Natural Resources.

The Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) Master’s Programme was established in 2005. It is an interdisciplinary programme organised by three of the University of Iceland’s Schools: The School of Social Sciences, the School of Humanities and the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences. A special board, acting on behalf of these disciplines, supervises the programme and is responsible for its academic organization and content.

The successful candidate is expected to partake in progression and teaching in the ENR programme. S/he will also have an important role in the development of the programme in collaboration with the programme board and the ENR supervisor, as well as doing research, supervising students in their research theses, and participating in the management and growth of the programme. The suggested specialization of the applicant is in one of the following fields: social, humanistic, or legal aspects of environmental issues; engineering with a focus on environmental issues; modelling; or environment and natural resource management. Specialists with knowledge in other fields of environment and natural resources are also encouraged to apply.

Applicants should have a doctorate degree in fields related to environment and natural resources or equivalent. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are essential.

This is a tenure-track position with an initial appointment of five years. The successful applicant is expected to start the appointment on 1 September 2010 or by agreement. The application deadline is until the 2 August 2010.

The evaluation of academic merits will be in accord with Icelandic law on the University of Iceland No. 63/2006, law on Public Universities No. 85/2005 and Rules for the University of Iceland No. 569/2009.

Applications and accompanying documentation should preferably be submitted in electronic form by e-mail: Applicants shall include with their applications certificates attesting to their education and work experience, a list of their publications, a report on their scholarly work and other works they have carried out, and a proposal of their plans for research and programme development if they are offered the position. Applicants must make clear which of their publications s/he regard as the most relevant to the advertised position (no more than three should be selected). Applicants must submit these three publications with their application, or indicate where they are accessible in electronic form. When more than one author has produced a publication, the applicant must account for his or her own contribution to the work. Applicants are also expected to include references for their teaching and administrative work, as appropriate.

Salary for the position of Assistant Professors will be according to the current collective wage and salary agreement between the Union of University Teachers, and the Minister of Finance.

Applications and accompanying documentation that are not submitted in electronic form must be sent in duplicate to the Division of Science and Research at the University of Iceland, Main Building at Sudurgata, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland. All applications will be answered and applicants will be informed about the appointment when a decision has been taken.

For further information, please contact Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir, e-mail: or Róbert H. Haraldsson (525-4364).

Appointments to the University of Iceland do take into account the Equal Rights Project of the University of Iceland.