
ANZSEE Conference 2013 | Call for Abstracts


Call for Abstracts

The ANZSEE 2013 Conference addresses the big issues faced by our society and the need to look for solutions now, in the critical decade. We have already secured 3 speakers with international reputations focused around the conference themes of:

  • Water, food and energy security in warmer, more crowded, and (possibly) wealthier world
  • Integrated methods for understanding and promoting regional resilience and transformation
  • Governance for 21st century challenges – how can we enhance well-being within planetary boundaries?

The conference will bring together policy makers, academics and implementers in a dynamic and collaborative exchange of ideas. Its innovative format will include; parallel paper sessions, plenaries, workshops, and lounge time spread over three days 11-14 November. To be a part of this conference you can submit an abstract for any one (or more) of the following opportunities.

Paper Presentation

Parallel sessions of contributed papers will be held. Each session will group papers by theme and topic, presentations will be 10-15min and questions will follow.

Working Group

These provide a collaboration opportunity focused on a specific goal or question but are intended to be more dynamic and interactive than Sessions. Each working group will be scheduled for 90 minutes. They should seek to include diverse perspectives and involve less than 30 minutes of structured input, to maximize the opportunities for interaction

Propose a Session

Sessions involve a structured program of presentations, papers and panel discussion of a topic or question. The speakers are invited by the Chair, who also has the option to invite participants on the basis of their contributed abstracts. Sessions will generally be scheduled for 90 minutes.

Conference Proceedings

All forms of contribution are eligible to submit a paper for inclusion to the peer-reviewed edited conference proceedings. Full papers are due 16 December 2013 and published online in early 2014.

All abstracts are due by 26 July submitted online via the conference website ( and should be 600 words in length with appropriate referencing. They will be peer reviewed and successful abstracts will start to be notified mid-August.

For more information, please visit  or contact the conference organizer via e-mail or phone 61 2 6281 6624.