
Announcing 2015 Nominees for USSEE Board of Directors

clip_image002​The USSEE Board of Directors is pleased to announce the nominees for board positions with terms beginning in June 2015 and ending June 2017:

  • Secretary-Treasurer: Kyle Gracey and John Sorrentino
  • At Large Members (2): Paul Baer, Nate Hagens, Christie Klimas, Kent Klitgaard, and Erin Lennox
  • Student Representative: Kyle Metta and Alex Poisson

Click here to find out more about the candidates! Elections will open this Friday May 29 and run through Friday June 5.

Please note that in order to vote, you must be a current member of the ISEE and USSEE. Visit to join or renew – your membership will be valid for one full year from the date of your enrollment.

Registration is now open for the CANUSSEE Joint Conference in Vancouver B.C. October 1-4, 2015:

If you have any questions contact Whitney Lash Marshall, USSEE Executive Director.