
VII Conference of the Argentine-Uruguayan Association of Ecological Economics (ASAUEE)


The bridge languages ​​in the approaches of the environmental dimension”

Neuquén, North Patagonia, Argentina
10th to 13th November, 2015
10th and 11th, Course of Ecological Economics
12th and 13th, VII Conference on Ecological Economics

Folleto Descargable Spanish:

Downloadable Brochure English:°_1-EN-INGLES.pdf

First Circular of the Organizing Committee

Goals of the Argentine-Uruguayan Association of Ecological Economics- ASAUEE

To install strengthen and uphold basic principles of ecological economics, conducting academic research, planning and carrying out management and promotion in public and private spheres, which arise from the relation among ecological, social and economic systems. To improve people’s welfare, especially the most vulnerable ones, including future generations; and to preserve and enhance the natural and social heritage.

Conceptual principles

Ecological Economics is an emerging cross-discipline that focuses on sustainability and manages the human economic dynamic. Ecological Economics has developed its own epistemology which allows to interpret economic processes and their relationship to the nature of which this depends.

Its cross-discipline feature (using elements and tools from Economics, Ecology, Biology, Physics, Sociology, etc.) allows you to develop concepts and tools to manage sustainable development.

The development of this knowledge has advanced to show different conceptual and methodological alternatives that allow the integration of ecological, economic and social skills to improve the different levels of planning.

Reflection and Vision

ASAUEE and Ecological Economics are growing in a complex regional scenario. A scenario which will require open minds, clear paths, seriousness, objectivity and especially the implementation and development of new methodologies and tools to solve serious conflicts between society, nature and the environment leading to survival in the context of our unique living space.

This guides us to grow together but especially to encourage the new generations of young researchers in the serious paths of scientific rigor, but not leaving aside content and social responses. The whole society is looking forward to these answers.

I thank you for everything that has been done. However, the effort that will be needed to be done, will be still much bigger. For this and for the strengthening and growth of our society, constant and ongoing participation of all of you will be required. New times are coming to our region. I expect us to be all up to these new circumstances. (Thought expressed by PhD. Jorge H. Morello)

Meeting Presentation

The concept of 2014 Eco Eco Alternative was born from the current needs of the Latin American region and their important implications for the entire world.

During the 40 years between 1972 and 2012, concepts were developed and consciousness was raised. Understandings about the challenges brought by environmental conflicts generated by the expansion of a consumer model, emerged.

The dominating development model in the first two decades of the XXI Century, with new actors who have broken the traditional prevalence of nations such as The United States and the European Union, exerts a strong pressure on the resilience of societies, cultures and the basic natural capital in the region.

Nowadays, Latin American societies are getting over the traditional model of representative democracy and are evolving into societies of increasing citizen participation and control in all Latin America.
The institutional framework of environmental law and the concepts of ecological footprint need to be strengthened.

The consequences of this situation and the environment-economy-society relationship are the delicate issues of urgent critical analysis which claim to be the main focus in VII Ecological Economics Conference to be held in November 2015 in the city of Neuquén, in the North of the Argentinan Patagonia.

In this effort, the Argentine-Uruguayan Association of Ecological Economics, takes up the themes analyzed in the 2014 Eco Eco Congress held in Costa Rica in March, this year, in conjunction with REDIBEC and ISEE.

Ecological Economics, Political Ecology with other disciplines of the economic and ecological fields, such as Environmental Economics, Social Economics and the new currents of Local Development have a human and territorial view about planning the uses of space.

This plays an essential role in the paradigm shifts which are needed in:

  1. The current level of production and consumption,
  2. The organization of the territory of our countries with a comprehensive and holistic view,
  3. The effects of monoculture and the re-privatization of the model.

That is why in these VII Conference on Ecological Economics a central theme is proposed: to discuss and agree on the dialogues, debates and consensus to be created for the future of a Sustainable Planet, which can be achieved by making up

The bridge languages ​​in the approaches of the environmental dimension”

These are a continuation of the conclusions arised from the Conference of the Uruguayan Argentinian Association of Ecological Economics, which took place in Salta last November, 2013.

It seeks to provide a space for dialogues about knowledge” that would allow us to contrast the different approaches of the environmental fields from the perspectives of the general theory, the proposals for productive activities and the socio-environmental phenomenon of conflict.

Providing a context for open dialogue, we are committed to give our participants a comprehensive experience.

In regard to this, the Organizing Committee is seeking this conference to show significant elements of the Patagonian and regional culture.

Furthermore, it is planned, within possibilities, the organization of a field trip to show regional socio-environmental problems.

These elements come together to the rich set of master conferences, concurrent sessions, workshops, special sessions, multimedia and video sessions, which will present the academic and applied perspectives of research and educational institutions, the civil society, private enterprises and the State.

We hope to fulfill your expectations and we would like to thank all of you for your support and commitment to this event.

We give you a warm and hearty welcome to our region, the Upper Valley of the Limay, Neuquén and Negro Rivers.

Tentative Schedule

Deadline for Receipt of Proposals for Workshops: 31/10/2014

Deadline for Submission of abstracts: 05/06/2015

Submission of approved abstracts: 30/07/2015


Proposed themes for VII Conference of the Argentine-Uruguayan Association of Ecological Economics (ASAUEE)

a – Economies: Ecological Economics

+ Public Policy Alternatives: Between Green Economy and Ecological Economy
+ Ecological Economic Value and Valuation Languages
+ Conflict between the North-South international relations and the environment: BRICS, Ecological Debt and alterglobalism
+ Accounting Ø Macroeconomic Environment: A Viable Option?

+ Ecological and Social Economics
+ Ecological Economics and Gender in Latin America
+ New Instruments and Methods of Ecological Economics

b – Production and Services: Economic-Ecological Alternative Models

+ Alternatives Ø Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security and Sovereignty
+ Sustainable fisheries in South America.
+ Energy Resources. Impacts and Alternatives.
+ Sea Resources (biotic and abiotic).
+ The new frontiers of mining: Towards “Amazonization of Antarctica”. Achievement, property, stability and resources.
+ The Forgotten Wealth: sustainable proposals for land and subsoil resources in Latin America (extractive activities)
+ Industry and Sustainability in the Latin American Current Context
+ Tourism and sustainability perspective
+ Technological alternatives and local knowledge: Rescuing all kinds of knowledge

c -. Socio-Environmental Conflicts, Markets and Institutional Roles

+ Socio-Environmental Conflicts: Tools of Political Ecology at the reprimarization of the Latin American economies
+ Contrasting Free Trade and Fair Trade: Evaluating Experiences
+ Incentives or Rights: Between Payments for Environmental Services and right alternatives for the sustainable environmental management and the climate change adaptation
+ Local Conservation Alternatives and experiences in forests, wetlands and watersheds over traditional state and private solutions
+ Education on Sustainability and its relation to Institutional Schemes
+ The Ecological Debt. Eco-environmental justice and the role of NGOs in these processes
+ Integration and interjurisdictionality of environmental processes. The role of the government and NGOs in the defense and protection of citizens’ environmental rights.
+ The migration phenomenon and the socio-cultural-economic issues in Latin America
+ Equity Accounts. Satellite Accounts. Beyond GDP.
+ Climate Change and Socio Environmental Crisis (regional and local ecosystem degradation; regional and global relations)
+ Other Topics

Training Course Program

Mode: Attending classes in the classrooms

Training sessions: 10 and 11 November, 2015

Estimated duration of Modules: 1 ½ hour each, with 30 minutes for questions after the session.

Proposed topics:

1) Ecological Economics and Environmental Economics; divergences and convergences
2) The thermodynamic approach to economic activity, the emergético analysis
3) The social metabolism
4) The new technologies and their social and environmental impacts
5) Methodologies for the valuation of goods, services and environmental quality
6) Sustainable Development from Ecological Economics

Organising Committee for the VII Conference:

ASAUEE Neuquén Team : Luis E. Ferrari – Véscovi, Cecilia, English Professor; Paileleo, Hugo, Web Designer.
Adriana Giuliani – Pablo Mastroberti – Cristina Sarda – Comahue National University – Centre for Studies and Research Cooperative Action – CEIAC -.
Jorge Muñoz – National University of Comahue – Secretary Extension – Free Chair Don Jaime de Nevares – Migration and Human Rights in the Nord Patagonia
Oscar Rossi – Guerrero Meli – “FUNDAGUA” Foundation
Silvia Leanza – Ecosur Foundation “Ecology Culture and Education from the peoples of the South”

Institutions that adhere to the VII Conference:

a -. Faculty of Environment and Health Sciences – National University of Comahue
b -. Patagonian Research Laboratory for Environmental and Land Management – National University of Comahue-CONICET

Neuquén, North Patagonia, Argentina. 26th July, 2014

One Response

  1. To whom it may concern:

    The upcoming November conference looks very interesting but I will be unable to attend given I live in Australia.

    Do you think it will be possible to stream or video any of the presentation to put online or at least make the presentations/abstracts available?

    I understand that they may not be in English but that just gives me a chance to improve my Spanish!




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